17 Memes Featuring Zoomer Slang & Hairstyles Get Smooshed Together And Added To Our Favorite Movie And TV Characters
It all started when 4chan users started sharing pictures of children with "Broccoli Hair," otherwise called the "Zoomer Perm."

From time to time, 4chan always takes part in something great, and today is no different. You can say that the imageboard site is totally responsible for some of my favorite memes, and one of them is an exploitable meme design.
Curious to know what it is all about? Of course, I’ll tell you – it actually involved a truly terrible Zoomer haircut, or hairstyle rather. It also has popular characters and actors, and a ton of excruciating Zoomer slang that you may or may not understand.
These types of memes initially started popping up on our screens in May of 2021, when 4chan users started sharing pictures of children with "Broccoli Hair," otherwise called the "Zoomer Perm." Neither one of the terms is particularly complimentary, and that only mirrors the overall consensus of the imageboard website.
As you can already guess, it didn’t end there as users got down to the business of roasting the style. When it was around October of that year, individuals started photoshopping that hairstyle or haircut onto the heads of different people, and you can tell that they certainly don’t belong there.
The meme did gain a fair amount of popularity in April of 2022, but it was only after May of that same year that it went off soaring high and poppin’ off (Don’t look at me as I have no idea what I’m saying). Well, enough of the blabbing as we’ve assembled a little list of our top picks yet and we believe that you will find them bussin’ frfr.
1. Jerry, she's low-key kinda mid tho fr.

2. That look with the hair to top it off is just too funny

3. Everybody is having this curly fringe situation going on

4. The dreams.in which I'm dying are the ones that kinda slap

5. Whatever it is that this picture is saying

6. This is a nice haircut and you look so breedable

7. Okay, here's one person that didn't have the signature haircut

8. With that hairstyle or is it haircut, everything is sure to be bussin'

9. I know I'm not meant to laugh at someone crying but... WTF lol

10. That hair with that look is killing me with laughter

11. I guess the bussin' already looks like a cap in-between

12. Everything you believe is bussin' is actually cap

13. No cap but there's still a beautiful one resting on your head

14. I demand you refrain from using it again in this court room on god fr

15. This one decided to add some color to his bussin'

16. Yup, just tone down your voice okay...

17. And we're wrapping it up with this piece the bussin' is not actually giving a a good hairline on this man's forehead

Even though we’re aware that the Zoomer ‘dos and Zoomer slang are pretty weird... when they’re integrated into these memes, we kind of like them. Despite not knowing what these memes are talking about, there’s just something about the trinity of individuals or the characters.
For example, there’s Patrick Bateman, Zoomerang, and the hairstyles that make for especially hilarious memes. It is one that almost equals "It’s Morbin’ Time."