16 Memes Made Especially For Zelda Fans To Reminisce Their Childhood

This is truly quite the treat for Zelda fans.

  • Published in Gaming
16 Memes Made Especially For Zelda Fans To Reminisce Their Childhood

Most of the people who grew up during the '90s have all played The Legend of Zelda games. These games were quite popular back then and those who have spent their holidays playing them with their siblings, cousins, and friends, are definitely huge fans of them.

Today, Legend of Zelda is still extremely popular as newer versions and continuing stories of Link are still being produced for delighted gamers of all ages. So, for all such people, young and old, here are some memes based on The Legend of Zelda Games that I am sure you will all enjoy.

Most of these are shared by the Instagram users by . _.hero_of_hyrule._. and thesassenachmoose

1. A short story

1. A short story _.hero_of_hyrule._

2. Who would win?

2. Who would win?thesassenachmoose

3. Master mode

3. Master modethesassenachmoose

4. Me playing on my DS at 2 am.

4. Me playing on my DS at 2 am. _.hero_of_hyrule._

5. Anxiety disorder

5. Anxiety disorder _.hero_of_hyrule._

6. Hyrule castle

6. Hyrule castle _.hero_of_hyrule._

7. Link's dad

7. Link's dadthesassenachmoose

8. Thots

8. ThotsLordofallSchnitzels

9. Octoroc

9. Octorocthesassenachmoose

10. Zelda craze

10. Zelda crazeLinkleismyspiritanimal

11. Zelda waiting to be rescued

11. Zelda waiting to be rescuedthesassenachmoose

12. Proud link noises

12. Proud link noises _.hero_of_hyrule._

13. Hero of Hyrule

13. Hero of Hyrule _.hero_of_hyrule._

14. Link isn't Zelda

14. Link isn't Zelda _.hero_of_hyrule._

15. Every Zelda player

15. Every Zelda player _.hero_of_hyrule._

16. 12 year old Link

16. 12 year old Link _.hero_of_hyrule._