YouTuber Destroyes PETA On Twitter And We Can't Get Enough Of This Roast

Chalk this up to an epic roasting.

  • Published in Funny
YouTuber Destroyes PETA On Twitter And We Can't Get Enough Of This Roast

When one sits down to think about who, in the world, is fighting for animal rights, one will usually think first and foremost: PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, most commonly recognized and known as PETA, is a nonprofit corporation that originated in Virginia in 1980. 

Its slogan is "Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way," and most people believe at face value that the people behind PETA value animals above all else. However, there is a darker underside to PETA that not many know about. Did you know that a press release by the Center for Consumer Freedom in March 2017 proved that in 2016 alone and Norfolk, Virginia alone, they killed over 1400 cats and dogs? It's completely true.

Will Coggin, research director at the Center for Consumer Freedom, says that PETA defends their actions:

PETA has defended its atrocious kill rates for years by saying it takes ‘unadoptable’ dogs that no other shelter will take.

However, Heather Harper-Troje, who worked for PETA’s Community Animal Project, is apart of an ongoing lawsuit and filed an affidavit that would suggest PETA is flat out lying including that “[Ingrid Newkirk (PETA President and Co-Founder)] said that an effort to adopt out an animal was a waste of PETA’s money and effort.”  and “We would routinely euthanize healthy puppies and kittens and other highly adoptable pets."

Ingrid Newkirk

 Ingrid NewkirkWikimedia

Tired of the nonsense coming from PETA and the misconceptions the general public had about them, Callum McSwiggan, a popular YouTube vlogger from the UK, took to Twitter to tear them down brutal and hilarious piece by brutal and hilarious piece. 

Callum regularly vlogs about LGBT rights, mental health, and other social issues so he seems like the type of person who might be totally on board with PETA but the best advocates this world has to offer are the ones that see through the B.S. and tell it to you straight.


Callum McSwiggan:

 Callum McSwiggan:Callum McSwiggan

Let me tell you a story...

 Let me tell you a story...Callum McSwiggan

Pros and Cons?

We only see cons.

 Pros and Cons?Callum McSwiggan

10 Years and 30,000 healthy cats later...

 10 Years and 30,000 healthy cats later...Callum McSwiggan

The Pokemon Debacle

 The Pokemon DebacleCallum McSwiggan

The Super Mario Debacle

 The Super Mario DebacleCallum McSwiggan

The Down Under Debacle

 The Down Under DebacleCallum McSwiggan

The Selfie Debacle

 The Selfie DebacleCallum McSwiggan

I scream! You Scream! But not all of us scream for ice cream.

PETA screams "ABUSE!"

Side note, that would probably be very healthy ice cream....

 I scream! You Scream! But not all of us scream for ice cream.Callum McSwiggan

Cats are not vegetarian.

 Cats are not vegetarian.Callum McSwiggan

PETA has poor aim.

 PETA has poor aim.Callum McSwiggan

Peaceful advocacy is effective advocacy.

 Peaceful advocacy is effective advocacy.Callum McSwiggan

"You might like this!"


 Callum McSwiggan

Stop upsetting people instead of telling the whole truth.

 Stop upsetting people instead of telling the whole truth.Callum McSwiggan

Support the real deal instead of this phony organisation.

 Support the real deal instead of this phony organisation.Callum McSwiggan

Callum is an animal lover!

This viral rant of his is not coming from a place of malice against animals.

 Callum is an animal lover!Callum McSwiggan

Pupper kisses!

 Pupper kisses!Callum McSwiggan

A flood of support... for Callum!!! rolled right in.

 A flood of support... for Callum!!! rolled right in.Twitter

People agreed and cheered his message on.

 People agreed and cheered his message on.Twitter

And raised additional red flags while they were there.

 And raised additional red flags while they were there.Twitter

Some people were not surpised, though.

 Some people were not surpised, though.Twitter

And despite the fact that this information is public knowledge and readily avaiable...

Some people still rode in to defend PETA!

 And despite the fact that this information is public knowledge and readily avaiable...Twitter

"Their methods work!" PETA fans insist.


Here is a helpful infographic!

With 10 important, quick facts exposing PETA for what they really are. Here is a helpful infographic!sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01 sentenal01

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