6-Year-Old Dresses Like 100-Year-Old Woman for 100 Day Kindergarten Party
LeCrushinator's cosplaying 6-year-old dresses like Yetta Rosenberg for her kindergarten party.

Every kid likes to put on their parents’ clothes, play dress-up, and walk around in heels that are too big, a work jacket that trails on the floor, or a football helmet that makes their head look twice as large. But this six-year-old took the extra mile and ran with it.
Reddit user, LeCrushinator, asked his daughter what she wanted to dress up as for her kindergarten 100 Day Party and her response was unexpected and gold. With an image of Yetta Rosenberg off 90s show The Nanny, his daughter transformed her look to that of a 100-year-old woman, complete with cat-eye glasses and a hair-do that would make 100-year-old women everywhere jealous.
The transformation was uncanny, complete with cat-eye glasses, gaudy jewellery, and the hips of a 100-year-old woman.

The dad credits his wife and mother-in-law for their stunning make-up skills.

And amused Reddit readers with the knowledge that she did in fact have a few hard candies in her pockets to complete her character.

When asked if she could look like this when older, the dad stated, "Hopefully she'll be taller."

Here is the real 6-year-old when not in costume.

Her previous Halloween costume was Princess Vader inspired. She's already solidified a future in cosplay.

Readers loved the transformation.
