Comedic Cat Finds Herself Looking Like Pikachu After An Accidental Incident With Turmeric Powder

We all wanted to have Pokémon for pets and now this family has one... almost

  • Published in Animals
Comedic Cat Finds Herself Looking Like Pikachu After An Accidental Incident With Turmeric Powder

Cats may actually be one of the closest real-life animals to many Pokémon characters but for one cat in particular, thing took a bit of a hilarious turn. Although it's hard to say if the cat found it as funny as us Pokémon fans do.

I think there was a time and a place when many of us spent Saturday morning watching Pokémon cartoons and playing the games on GBA/DS and trading cards with our friends at school. We probably also wanted to have Pokémon for pets.

Well, after trying a natural home remedy on her cat, this Thai woman ended up with just that; a little Pikachu as her companion. No word on whether the cat likes to play with balls, however!

A lot of Pikachu's personality traits might remind you of your own cat's disposition, which just makes this turmeric accident all the funnier. I guess if you are going to accidentally dye your cat a colour, yellow is a good way to go!

This gorgeous cat had a fungal infection

This gorgeous cat had a fungal infectionตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

So her owner applied turmeric to cure it

So her owner applied turmeric to cure itตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

It was originally just applied to the effected areas, but they had some left over, so they decided to cover the kitty to make sure it was all gone!

It was originally just applied to the effected areas, but they had some left over, so they decided to cover the kitty to make sure it was all gone!ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

Supamas told Bored Panda:

"My cat Ka-Pwong had ringworm, we did everything to cure it, but nothing worked. That was when my mother had the idea of using turmeric. At first, she painted it on the ringworm but as there was a lot left, she decided to paint the whole body to prevent future mycoses.”

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Except... the natural dye didn't come out of her fur!

Except... the natural dye didn't come out of her fur!ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

It did seem to clear the infection, however.

It did seem to clear the infection, however.ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

But the poor cat stayed yellow!!

But the poor cat stayed yellow!!ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

Here's a before and after.

Here's a before and after.ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

Supamas hopes the colour will fade over time!

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But meanwhile has photo-shopped the cat into Pikachu!

But meanwhile has photo-shopped the cat into Pikachu!ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

The resemblance is uncanny, really!

The resemblance is uncanny, really!ตุ้มเม้งแมวแพนด้า&คาพ้วงแมวเชื้อรา on Facebook

Follow the newly yellow cat's journey on Facebook here.
