51 Pictures From The 'What's Wrong With Your Cat?' Subreddit That Will Crack You Up

Cats have plenty of ways to be silly.

  • Published in Animals
51 Pictures From The 'What's Wrong With Your Cat?' Subreddit That Will Crack You Up

Most of us have had the experience of a cat doing something that makes us laugh, even though we know we shouldn't. They often seem to have a mind of their own, and they can be very amusingly unpredictable.

There are several reasons why cats may seem this way. First of all, they are independent creatures by nature.

They're not like dogs, which are bred to be companion animals and often have a strong desire to please their owners. Cats aren't looking to us for approval or direction; they're going to do what they want, and they do that when they want.

Secondly, cats are very good at reading our body language and expressions. They know when we're happy, sad, angry, or tired, and they react accordingly.

This can lead to some amusing situations, such as a cat interrupting a serious conversation by jumping up on your lap for a cuddle. Finally, cats are creatures of habit.

They like routine and predictability, so anything that disrupts their normal routine can cause them to act out in amusing ways. For example, if you suddenly start working from home and your cat is used to having you around all day, they may become restless and start looking for ways to entertain themselves - like knocking things off of surfaces or meowing loudly.

If you're a cat lover in search of all the funny antics of cats, this post is for you. We compiled some of the best posts from the WhatsWrongWithYourCat subreddit.

So scroll down and appreciate the silliness of our feline friends!

1. This is called the "fan face." This cat activates it whenever its owners turn the fan or air filter on.

1. This is called the Turbulent_Swan_64

2. Concentrating on a grain of rice

2. Concentrating on a grain of riceasakiwaki

3. Cosmo spends his days mostly on the sink.

3. Cosmo spends his days mostly on the sink.saintphoenixxx

4. How should we explain this?

4. How should we explain this?qwer1627

5. This feline loves to sleep like a straight line.

5. This feline loves to sleep like a straight line.cannydooper

6. I need moar! Moar treats hooman!

6. I need moar! Moar treats hooman!Flirty_arya

7. A special talent

7. A special talentStellanboll

8. The furball is so lazy. So it's no wonder why there's a spider living on her head.

8. The furball is so lazy. So it's no wonder why there's a spider living on her head.worldiscubik

9. Tried to fit in, now he's stuck.

9. Tried to fit in, now he's stuck.Thryloz

10. Menacing stare

10. Menacing staresablasagna

11. Every day, there's a funny picture of this fellow

11. Every day, there's a funny picture of this fellowminminminnow

12. Lips stuck on teeth

12. Lips stuck on teethDisgruntledPelican

13. Cat wants to show off how successful he is in stealing the vet's chair.

13. Cat wants to show off how successful he is in stealing the vet's chair.External-Pilot-2207

14. Looks like he got rid of his socks.

14. Looks like he got rid of his socks.JuiceJuddy

15. She wants to be a scarf.

15. She wants to be a scarf.CoveDwell

16. Pondering about his catness.

16. Pondering about his catness.Delicious-Talk2128

17. The cat's owner searched the entire floor. This is where it was found.

17. The cat's owner searched the entire floor. This is where it was found.______________u

18. A human interrupted their plans

18. A human interrupted their plansrichestotheconjurer

19. This is what they get for not properly teaching the furball how to use a chair.

19. This is what they get for not properly teaching the furball how to use a chair.Brozo08

20. The face of regret

20. The face of regretimported_solemnity

21. "Ahh...so warm..."

21. Gimblejay

22. Fred is wondering about his existence

22. Fred is wondering about his existencegilbertsmith

23. This cat's ritual: Yell at the grass then eat it.

23. This cat's ritual: Yell at the grass then eat it.coxonroach

24. "What did I just see?"

24. tim3lymann3r

25. Catnip's fault

25. Catnip's faultEstaLisa

26. Legs so long

26. Legs so longChristof_P

27. Waiting for their turn

27. Waiting for their turnLegatusDux

28. Capitalists

28. CapitalistsBritishFoSho

29. Rebooting feline

29. Rebooting felineanallover1220

30. Melting cat

30. Melting catTheBrilliantDiscover

31. What this cat loves to do

He likes to huff the wrapper from my mint chocolate candy (there is no actual chocolate left in there, he just likes anything that smells like mint)

31. What this cat loves to dopaintingcatlady

32. "We need to talk."

32. InternalEssayz

33. Looks like it came out of a horror movie

33. Looks like it came out of a horror movieKurdidurdi

34. Where is your neck?

34. Where is your neck?virgin_boi69

35. When you're doing your thing in the bathroom and you get this stare.

35. When you're doing your thing in the bathroom and you get this stare.nootnewtt

36. Isn't that painful?

36. Isn't that painful?dark_iiii

37. It detected an enemy.

37. It detected an enemy.Promist

38. Nope, she ain't lost.

38. Nope, she ain't lost.Ifette

39. Interesting sleeping position

39. Interesting sleeping positionsleepwhenimdead-

40. After smelling an Oreo

40. After smelling an OreoDeep_Delivery_6447

41. Can you even breathe?

41. Can you even breathe?ChrispyBowtie

42. Cat discovers something on its owner's phone

42. Cat discovers something on its owner's phonePlane-Jain

43. Bored cat

43. Bored catGearDawg

44. This is how Dennis sits most of the time

44. This is how Dennis sits most of the timejustingilltattoos

45. The cabbage treatment

45. The cabbage treatmentKiltedLady

46. Imagine when you're about to sleep and you see this

46. Imagine when you're about to sleep and you see thisQueasy-Masterpiece98

47. Somebody needs to stop this fight.

47. Somebody needs to stop this fight.Voxit

48. When the cat sees your gay limp wrist and does the same thing

48. When the cat sees your gay limp wrist and does the same thingoverdue_panic

49. They might need to call an exorcist

49. They might need to call an exorcistyourzebrasready

50. Cat being a shoe

50. Cat being a shoeChainsofAssery

51. Cat loves to jump inside shopping bags

51. Cat loves to jump inside shopping bagsonebigchickennugget

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world for a reason — they’re adorable, and they have an air of mystery about them that never fails to amuse us.

Even when cats are being their typical fickle selves, we can’t help but laugh at their antics. So the next time your cat does something silly, take a step back, snap a picture of it, and share it online to make others happy too!
