The Women Explained Why The Model Of 8-Hours Work-Sleep-Play Is Outdated And Doesn't Suit The Modern Society Anymore
The woman shares online her opinion of the 8 hours workday.

Quarantine time wasn't easy on everyone, but it certainly gave us some time to think about our lives and rethink our daily routine. From one to another workday, how much time do we have for rest and the other activities?
Does the socialistic model of "8 hours" still suit us? Well, it seems like it doesn't.
Just for reminding, the model of "8 hours" was created in First Industrial Revolution during the XIX century. Before the Revolution, workers had worked 12-16 hours a day, so the Revolution enabled enormous progress in the working class.
In the next hundred years, work conditions had improved, so it changed to five-day at workweek and 40 hours per week. Doubtless, it was a good transition for workers then, but today in 2021. we have the same workweek.
Is it normal to be stuck with the labor rights from the XX century when everything else is changed, and life became more demanding in the meantime? Whether the 8-hours model is still a good solution for employees and employers?
One TikToker made a video explaining that the slogan "8hours for work, rest and do what you will" is nothing else but a false promise. When you put 8 hours of work in your daily routine, you get the work time on one side of the day, and on the other, you are too exhausted, and you have no time for anything else, so for the rest of the day, you're feeling just incapable for functioning.
Take a look at the video of AcusticCammProf and get familiar with her point of view. She made a quiet impression on the online community for sure.
This woman shared a viral video to explain why the model of 8 hours doesn't fit in the modern age.

In the video, she said that this tweet is our reality, in fact.

Here is the video, let's hear why she thinks the model 8-8-8 is outdated.
"In 1940, Congress officially set the American workweek at 40 hours. The same work week we have today, in 2021."

The slogan 8-8-8 originated in the late 18th hundreds labor movement.

8 hours of work, usually means more than just 8.

Most employers don't count your lunchtime in regular 8 hours. It's your hour that must be set aside, so you spend 9 hours at work.

If you add the time that you spend traveling to and from work, we are talking of around 11 hours now.

And after the workday, where is the time for resting or just doing something else?

If we think of our emotional and mental health, the workday shouldn't be longer than 4 hours.

Experts say that no one can be productive for 8 hours on a working day, it's simply a lot of time.

During the pandemic we had seen the 8 hours working day is unnecessary and unproductive too.

This 8-8-8 structure was designed to improve life and work balance, but maybe it's time for us to make a new one.

The model was good back in the 19th century, it gave people more free time to rest, but in modern times it doesn't have the same purpose.

Many people have shared their thoughts on the 9-5 hours working debate. You can see them right below.

Experts say that five hours is the maximum for most of us on a daily level to concentrate on doing something. It leads us to the point that 8 hours of the workday is not as productive as should be.
Plus, quarantine time showed us that we can finish the same job for fewer hours if we are willing to, without spending time traveling to work and back home after. Working nowadays can take to 12hours from a day, so if you are employed, you can't maintain your private life and health too next to your job, that is the main issue we have to admit and confront.