If You're Having A Terrible Day At Work, These 50 People Who Have It Worse Might Make You Feel Better
Sure you have a bad day, and I feel sorry for you, but please pray for these people too.
- Published in Funny
If you're at work and you're having a bad day, know that you're at the receiving end of everything. It's like nature itself decided to troll and add drama to your already dramatic life.
You know those days, don't you? When the moment you wake up, something inside you tells you it's going to be a bad day.
Call it a bad-day seventh sense of something, but we know somehow that one bad thing will, most definitely, lead to a thousand more bad things and there's nothing you can do about it.
For instance, let's talk about my car that decided to not start this morning. The same car was out on the road about an hour before I sat in to drive to work.
From keys falling in road gutter holes to someone splashing a hot cup of coffee all over your white shirt, minutes before a big meeting... I hate those days and I bet you do too.
But what about people who yearn for bad days? Wait, is that even possible?
Yes, your day might be going great, but suddenly you do something silly that no one on this planet would forget, thereby cueing in a lot of bad days. Doesn't make sense?
A security guard in a Russian art gallery was so bored that he drew a pair of eyes on a painting that's worth $1 million. He literally summoned bad days, man.
With that, let the scrolling begin.
1. Dog daycare.
My manager sent me this picture about 10 minutes later saying "You forgot something". His expression is perfect.
powergirlpanties2. Bat in headphone.
Started work this morning, put my headset on, felt something furry in my ear, looked and there is a bat in my headset.
soulhacler3. This woman hit video, instead of audio. LMAO.
bonitasaph4. This pilot's helmet.
Flew in a helicopter for the first time at work, the pilot’s helmet wasn’t calming...
drdoom5. Toner explosion.
The one time the toner exploded at work while switching it out. You can see where I was at that exact moment.
paochow6. The bird who just won't take NO for an answer.
Keeps pecking the window and shouting at me while I'm trying to work...
reddit.com7. He's not a sex offender.
My friend works as an extra in movies and does stock photography.... Just saw him pictured as a sex offender on a bus in Florida.
devandangers8. It's sad that this is necessary.
Actually had to put this sign up in the bathroom at my work
surbauer9. This guy started working as a beekeeper last week. ROFL.
reddit.com10. This woman who got "nailed" at work. Literally.
chrystal-mighties11. I'd be very afraid.
This pillar was straight last week. This is the first floor of a seven-floor building...
VreniCZek12. This person fell on a gusset plate at work.
mithrilbong13. Poor Megan.
needmorexanax14. Glass shattering first day.
Guy dropped a $40,000 pallet of glass on his first day...
MrTenenbaum715. Lunch vs. cat poop.
I cleaned the cat’s litter box and brought the bag with me to throw away in my outdoor trash can on the way to work. I also brought my lunch...
Eric26416. Free surprise hair cut at work.
reddit.com17. The curious case of the donuts.
Bought 60 doughnuts for the office today to celebrate my 20th birthday, only to be told I need to self isolate and work from home for the next week...
Peencub18. No, you can't. They couldn't either.
NinjaCatPurr19. Someone tried making popcorn at home...
flooptyscoops20. This is nightmare fuel.
AndySlot21. Automatic toilets can be trolls too.
Accidently dropped my work keys into the toilet. When I got up to fish them out, it automatically flushed itself...
MovieReviewForNew22. This... cake.
NoTick23. Nope, not today.
I work as a valet. Told him he had to park it himself
MADMAV8924. This is just bad.
I work at a movie theatre and this is a regular occurrence
Key-Disaster-368225. Um. Excuse me.
So I bring a pecan pie to work. By noon it was missing. Found it a few hours later in my boss's office...
Ciclismo418526. Calligraphy troubles.
I do calligraphy. I misplaced the circled in character, which is part of a 300-word scroll that I almost finished after 5 days of work, 200 characters in...
SomeFoolishHooman27. When you dress up with the lights off.
hat7e28. This isn't actually bad.
The ink from my date stamp at work exploded on my shirt and the material formed the droplets into little stars...
knider29. Paint problems.
Buckets of paint fell off a pallet being lifted by a forklift...
the-d-man30. This window that exploded out of the blue.
Morg160331. Heat sensitive mug for a meeting.
Camplaysgames32. Oh such pleasure.
It's always a pleasure to realize that your coworkers don't know how to close a box properly... Right when you're ready to go home...
Thunder_SdSh33. Dang.
TheMagnificentBoner34. Poor cleaner.
soulkeyy35. ROFL.
My friend went to work with a pair of underwear hanging out of her pants all day.
reddit.com36. LMAO.
After the meeting coworker let me know that I looked naked and frustrated the whole time.
lindseyyisrad42037. Thank goodness the driver's safe.
FedEx truck hanging off the Indiana toll road after hitting ice in frigid conditions. Driver not hurt.
DarkBlue22238. Money plagiarism.
I work as a financial auditor. When reviewing cash deposits, I found that one of our employees accepted this $100 bill.
daughterofozai39. OMG.
I work at a small coffee shop. My boss just absent-mindedly poured unroasted beans into a batch of roasted ones. Here's us separating 10,000 beans... By hand.
CensoryDeprivation40. This huge banner for work.
heymanitsdan41. McDonald's marketing.
What McDonald's got us (at least my branch of McDonald's) for our work during the pandemic...
furry-d*ckwithhair42. Ewe. And oh no.
A fly managed to slip into my coffee at work. Fortunately, I spit him out all over my keyboard.
MyAniumYourAnium43. -41°С outside and this dude is going to work.
Dazd9544. This isn't right.
This was my dad's only Christmas bonus from the company he's worked at for over 20 years: a $20 off coupon for a frozen turkey. My mom got a Christmas ornament.
AdiosTinyToast45. This dude with ripped jeans.
Just slipped on ice and tore my favourite jeans. Now I gotta go a whole shift at work with my bright orange boxers on show...
TheAnonymousDoom46. This person's zipper broken minutes before a few important meetings.
illigal47. I have so many questions. Also this is someone's boss' car.
captainhendrix48. Dude finds out there's a hole in his shoe... at the urinal. Ewe.
AFallingWall49. OMG. You're probably missing a screw.
I picked something up at work, all of a sudden my leg started to hurt, I reached into the pocket at my leg and realised that my spare blade made it out of the case somehow
NixonXIV50. How? This is insane.
Just lost thousands of dollars worth of product at work. Most likely getting fired.
TaclysisIf you feel like you're having a bad day at work, I'd recommend that you print and post this as inspiration to help you feel better.
It's wrong to laugh at another person's problem, but then it's good practice to learn from another's mistake, right? Between laughing and learning, let's plug in inspiration.
These pictures are proof that everyone goes through bad days, but in the end, remember they're temporary. Bad days come with valuable life lessons we'd have otherwise missed.
I can't say the same for the bored security guard who drew a pair of eyes on a million-dollar painting though. I mean, I'd have done it too.
We all love doodling. Remember the times we used to doodle in magazines?
Maybe he just missed the 90s.
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