A Simple Cartoon Explains Why Not ALL WOMEN Want Kids and Why It's Totally Fine

'Pretty, Pretty, Ugly' comic explains why not all women will end up being mothers and why it's fine.

A Simple Cartoon Explains Why Not ALL WOMEN Want Kids and Why It's Totally Fine

Any woman over the age of 20 has probably being asked, "When are you going to get a boyfriend?" After the age of about 25 (or once they've acquired said boyfriend) they're likely getting asked, "When are you getting married?

And then, single, married, engaged, lesbian or otherwise, once a woman hits that big three-oh, they are without question being asked, "when are you having children?" "Have you thought about kids yet?" Or they're being peppered with those wonderful little gems of advice like, "You're not getting any younger!" "You want all your kids by the time you're 35!" "You don't want to leave it too late, what if you have trouble conceiving!" or, that absolute diamond, "Of course you want children!"

Kate McDonough, an illustrator from Pretty, Pretty, Ugly Comics knew the feeling and pressure of having children all too well, so she recently published the most awesome comic explaining that not all women want or will have children, and that it's totally fine.

This is how it goes -

This is how it goes - Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics


EXACTLY! Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics

That pressure from your own mother...

That pressure from your own mother...Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics

Not trust myself?

Not trust myself?Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics

Nobody knows you better than you.

Nobody knows you better than you. Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics

To disappoint people or disappoint yourself and your children?

To disappoint people or disappoint yourself and your children?Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics

There's ways to make a difference without having children.

There's ways to make a difference without having children. Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics

Right on!

Right on! Pretty Pretty Ugly Comics