24-Year-Old Dumps Her Boyfriend and Travels the US With No One But Her Dogs

Woman decides to run from societies normal lifestyle and literally live out her dream with her dogs alongside her.

24-Year-Old Dumps Her Boyfriend and Travels the US With No One But Her Dogs

Sydney Ferbrache is living proof that dreams can be easily attained as long as you worked hard to achieve them. At 24, from Indianapolis, Indiana- she dumps her boyfriend and works 3 jobs plus side gigs to make sure the stars align so she could live out her dream in full force. She bought a van, renovated it, then set out for soul growth and life altering adventures.

As of now, she works full time from the comfort of her van via her laptop and is making her rounds across America. This girl is LEGIT. She even offers advice for others to do the same on her instagram, be sure to give her a follow! @divineontheroad

All of the pictures that you'll see here and on her insta, are taken by her own camera and a tripod. Hats off to you Sydney! Live your life girlfriend!!!!

What a stunning view!

What a stunning view!divineontheroad

Excuse me while I run to follow her on Insta.

Excuse me while I run to follow her on Insta.divineontheroad

I applaud her for chasing her dreams. She's so bold and I love it.

I applaud her for chasing her dreams. She's so bold and I love it. divineontheroad

Sydney gushes-

“You would never guess that there so many interesting backgrounds in our very own country. My biggest challenge has probably been big life things happening and not having my family with me for them. I got into a car crash and my van was in the shop for a couple of weeks. So I was literally homeless and had to stay in really cheap motels that allowed dogs. My first little one Ella has surgery when she was just 4 months old and I had no one to help me through that either. My family does what they can from Indiana but sometimes a hug is really what’s needed."

She glows. This is the definition of living your best life!

She glows. This is the definition of living your best life!divineontheroad

That's a view stolen straight from a dreamland slumber.

That's a view stolen straight from a dreamland slumber.divineontheroad

Keep chasing those dreams girl!

Keep chasing those dreams girl!divineontheroad

Sydney exclaimed that she's been very fortunate for the love that she's received on social media

“I haven’t gotten too much ‘hate’ or negativity. I try really hard not to read too many comments on Facebook or YouTube because that’s where trolls can really come out. I like my people and family on Instagram because they support what I do and surround me with positivity instead of the negative stuff. I know it’s out there! Out of sight out of mind though.”

Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.

The remodel. I'm so in love with her van!

The remodel. I'm so in love with her van!divineontheroad

Legitimately so gorgeous inside.

Legitimately so gorgeous inside.divineontheroad

Her heart is so full. You can just see it radiate off of them.♡

Her heart is so full. You can just see it radiate off of them.♡divineontheroad

Sydney sets the record straight.

“I actually do respond to critics whenever I do catch a comment. I like explaining myself and seeing someone change their opinion. It doesn’t always work but at least at that point, I tried. So I explain my story or my side and walk away from it knowing I did what I can.”

Insight can change anyone's mindset if they choose to see everything with an open mind and a full heart.

Relax and live. The zen she must feel on a daily basis!

Relax and live. The zen she must feel on a daily basis!divineontheroad

Nothing like being in the woods on a gorgeous day.

Nothing like being in the woods on a gorgeous day.divineontheroad

I'm literally so jelly.

I'm literally so jelly.divineontheroad

Sydney explains that if you have an adventurous dream, you can chase it. And that goes for anyone.

“You don’t need a ton of money. You can do it with kids. You can do it no matter what your circumstances! It might take a little time to get things figured out and save up the money you can. But don’t write it off completely. You are fully capable and I am here to help you get there if needed. Once you hit the road, nothing else matter besides the future you now have exploring a new adventure.”

My favorite part is her advice that she offers. I gave her a follow already. She's radiates inspiration.

She's such an amazing photographer.

She's such an amazing photographer.divineontheroad

Live humbly. Live simply.

Live humbly. Live simply.divineontheroad

"I got you babe."


Sydney's pup, Ella, also has her own Instagram. @ellathevandog

Sydney’s first initial solo-adventure started with stepping outside of the US, to South Africa.

She discloses-

“I said screw it, I’m doing it on my own. I did a ton of research on safety and women in South Africa and I backpacked around Cape Town and Johannesburg for three-and-a-half weeks."

"I eat you eat.'


Suppose she'd remodel a van for me too?!

Suppose she'd remodel a van for me too?!divineontheroad

Oh...my...goodness. I'm in love.😍

Oh...my...goodness. I'm in love.😍divineontheroad

Sydney reveals-

“The thing I love most about traveling is getting to experience different people and cultures. Nature is insanely beautiful and getting to spend time outside every day is nothing but a gift. However, getting to spend time on native lands and learn about the people who live there from those very people is the best learning experience I could ask for.”

When the world is at your fingertips, of course she would do anything to protect her peace. I don't blame her a bit.

I hate assuming but, all of this is pretty obvious. Sucks she had to point it all out but I adore the way she cleared everything up.

I hate assuming but, all of this is pretty obvious. Sucks she had to point it all out but I adore the way she cleared everything up. Facebook

Truly good for her!

Truly good for her!Facebook

Priorities sweetie. It's possible for sure.

Priorities sweetie. It's possible for sure.Facebook

🙌 Haters gunna hate though.

🙌 Haters gunna hate though. Facebook

In the age of everything via the internet at your fingertips, I'm actually genuinely surprised more millenials don't live this lifestyle. It's one I love and adore and aspire to live myself someday. Good for her. Virtual fist bump to you lady. You keep doing you. Killing it. Hit me up if you ever come to Nebraska!🖤

Would/could you ever live this life? Tell us in the comments below!
