Woman Learns How To Set Boundaries In Uncomfortable Situations And Now Teaches Others

Women are basically brought up to attend to other people’s needs but this woman had enough

Woman Learns How To Set Boundaries In Uncomfortable Situations And Now Teaches Others

Women are basically brought up to attend to other people’s needs. And we are not talking about some extreme undeveloped countries – this is a cultural norm even in rich and democratic nations. Some say it is nature, some claim it is cultural – but it is a fact. We all have moms, and those us of us who have sister can also verify that - sisterly love and care for her brother is an amazing stuff.

And women tend to stay longer and endure difficult situations because they want to keep everyone happy, even if that means they are uncomfortable or suffering. Erynn Brook, a feminist author, shared a thread on Twitter about how her mom taught her to set borders. This maybe a tricky situation because it is a thin line between leaving and quitting.


The instructions she got from her mom were very clear…


She requested the girl’s mom to call up her mother. She persevered, even when the girl’s mom was hesitant.


There was so much confusion at that sleepover, but Brook’s mother supported her in setting boundaries…


Erynn admits that this advice is opposite to countless messages women receive.


Brook realizes that in certain situations, there is no obvious way out. In other situations, though, its easy to leave, but we are asking permission to do it.


“What do you need so you can leave?”


Erynn explained that although it may seem that this thread is for women only, it is an important lesson for all genders and ages.
