Woman Who Was Kidnapped By A Serial Killer Is Sharing Her Incredible Story On TikTok

When Kara Robinson Chamberlain was 15-years-old, she was kidnapped by a serial killer. Thankfully, she escaped the horrific situation

Woman Who Was Kidnapped By A Serial Killer Is Sharing Her Incredible Story On TikTok

When Kara Robinson Chamberlain was 15-years-old, she was kidnapped by a serial killer. Thankfully, she escaped the horrific situation and is now sharing her incredible story on TikTok.

Kara was in her friend's front yard, watering plants on June 24, 2002, when she saw a strange man pull into the driveway. The man said he wanted to give Kara some magazines before holding a gun to her neck while forcing her into his car.

Terrifyingly, the man gagged Kara, tied her up, and put her in a plastic container. From there, he took her to his apartment, where he held her captive and repeatedly sexually assaulted her for 18 hours.

During the ordeal, Kara tried her best to gather as many details as possible about her captor. The man turned out to be serial killer, Richard Evonitz.

During the ordeal, Kara tried her best to gather as many details as possible about her captor. The man turned out to be serial killer, Richard Evonitz.Kara Robinson Chamberlain

"I was trying to read his mail, I was looking at the magnets on his refrigerator, I knew who his doctor was, I knew who his dentist was," Kara said.

Kara managed to escape the following morning while the man was sleeping. She flagged down a random car and asked the driver to take her to the Richland County Sheriff's Department.

Later on, Kara found out that Evonitz had fled to Sarasota, Florida, and died by suicide when his capture was imminent. Police later discovered that the man was responsible for the murders of 3 young girls.

Kara Robinson Chamberlain

Kara has gone on to do some great things!

The year after her horrifying abduction, Kara began working with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department. She worked in victim services and the DNA lab all through her remaining high school and college years.

Kara went on to join the police academy and later worked as a school resource officer. She then went into investigations, focusing predominantly on child abuse and sexual assault cases.

Kara has gone on to do some great things!Kara Robinson Chamberlain

Kara regularly answers questions from her followers on TikTok.

For example, she was recently asked what a person should do if they're held at gunpoint and forced to go somewhere with a stranger. Kara answered the question with no reservations.

"Number one, stranger abductions are not that common. Number two, when they do happen, most often, if you kick, yell, scream, make a big fuss, try to run, they're not gonna chase you. Especially if you're in a heavily populated area. However, sometimes it's not the case. Sometimes, they will shoot you. Or they would chase you down. So, I can give you my advice, I can tell you that if I would have yelled and kicked and screamed, I probably wouldn't have been taken. And I knew that. But when you have a weapon up against your head, it's really hard to do those things ya'll."

Kara regularly answers questions from her followers on TikTok.Kara Robinson Chamberlain

Here's how people have reacted to Kara's story.

Here's how people have reacted to Kara's story.