51 Wolf-Dog Owners Share Photos That Show How Magnificent These Animals Are

Photos capture the beauty of wolf-dogs.

  • Published in Animals
51 Wolf-Dog Owners Share Photos That Show How Magnificent These Animals Are

You must have heard of "wolfdogs" before, but who hasn't? Still, we can't resist their beautifulness and gorgeous look, so we'll gladly add a little more fact about the original source of this phrase and its magnificent members.

When you hear their common name, it may sound like it comes from a fairy tale. But that is not far from the truth, considering they really look like magical beasts.

It's known that wolves and dogs are members of the same family. Wolves and large dogs usually have similar appearances, so it can be quite challenging to distinguish many wolf-like dogs from actual wolves.

Most wolf-like dog breeds are hybrids, meaning they are a mix of both dogs and wolves and have combined characteristics. But if you were wondering where those similarities come from, we can tell you that it's not by chance but by crossbreeding.

Although crossbreeding is usually performed for scientific reasons, it doesn't exclude the possibility it can happen naturally, too. You are probably already thinking about dog breeds that look like wolves, but let us remind you of some: Northern Inuit dogs, Swedish Vallhund, Belgian Tervuren, Alaskan Malamute, or Siberian Huskie.

We can talk about these cuties indefinitely, but to cut a long story short, let's enjoy their magnificent appearance in the pawsome collection below.

1. "Loki the wolfdog - Breakin' hearts since 2012"

1. Kelly Lund

2. "A bad dog owner dumped this wolf-dog at a kill shelter when he got too big and too much to handle. Luckily a sanctuary took him instead and saved his life!"

"His DNA testing came back as 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, and 3.9 % German Shepherd."

2. beaverkc

3. "Wolf pup"

3. brl621

4. "This is the photo that made me say “I’m gonna drive 800 miles to rescue that special needs pupper”. "

4. melissakate8

5. Perfect one

5. Perfect onerefugio.delobos

6. "My Wolfdog boy, Faelen, giving cuddles to my mom"

6. Runningwithwolfdogs

7. "Sasha (the Czech Wolfdog) loves beach zoomies..."

7. Redback911

8. "The majestic wolfdog"

8. wilde_run

9. "Black wolf hybrid"

9. cheesy_please_me

10. "His winter coat is coming and he is getting more and more beautiful"

10. sirius_rydstorm

11. "Sometimes Lucian just lies on me and looks at me like this. Fills my heart up even on the (all too common) bad days."

11. SheridanSauvage

12. "Enjoy the ride!"

12. seiyathorkan.lb.clt

13. "My wife's wolfhound puppy is eating my wolfdog"

13. ElysiumPotato

14. "Im the girl from the "giant" wolf post. Here's another one of our rescues, Yuki."

14. britweins

15. "Thorkan and his beautiful mom Phoebee! He was only a few weeks old, I love this picture!"

15. seiyathorkan.lb.clt

16. "Here’s some more of Yuki the wolf dog hybrid"

"His DNA testing came back as 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, and 3.9 % German Shepherd. Currently, at the shy wolf Sanctuary, he was taken to a high kill shelter at first when he was too much to handle, but was rescued and is now at the sanctuary and loving it."

16. sirprize

17. "Rub my damn belly!"

17. Srous226

18. "A Wolf-Dog hybrid"

18. Gar1986

19. "Never stop outdoor life!"

19. wolf_instinct

20. "Is there anything cuter than a wolfdog wanting belly rubs?"

20. melissakate8

21. "My puppy looks like a small wolf!"

21. bulgariandoll

22. "Hello pack!"

22. wolf_instinct

23. "I made stupid and weird sounds to get this photo. Otherwise he wouldn't look at me."

23. SheridanSauvage

24. "Them eyes though. Almost 5 months old."

24. Icarus_Downfall

25. "Our super scary guard dog.... She's Alaskan Malamute with a big smile."

25. FlagmakerUK

26. "This BigGirl was accepting treats by hand. 80% concentration Wolfdog. From Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary, Alberta, CA."

26. Anhart15

27. "My dad and my Alaskan Malamute Gideon. He loves when my dad visits the house"

27. KangarooRIOT

28. "Through the thick and thicker."

28. loki

29. "Friend met this spectacular wolf!"

29. srod999

30. "New pups on the ride home"

30. Brufar_308

31. "From March till October"

31. Brufar_308

32. "Adult Mars and... baby Mars!"

32. PM-Me-Ur-Gore

33. "Nymeria got to meet a new friend yesterday!"

33. melissakate8

34. "This may be the single greatest picture of Tibbi ever taken."

34. Ravetti

35. "We started the hike at 4am in the night alone in the world with our dogs, paradise!"

35. nocturnals_animals

36. "I think we need a bigger bed..."

36. Jeneea1

37. "This is Eli. 6yo male Siberian Husky. Should be picking him up from the shelter on Saturday!!"

37. That_802_guy

38. "Nox enjoyed our Halloween leftovers. Looks like a pumpkin exploded now"

38. falconerchick

39. "Crow, 8 year old high-content"

39. melissakate8

40. "Meet Max, 50% husky, 50% wolf, 85 lbs, and as gentle as can be."

40. shortney46

41. "Koda, the 11 week old wolf-look-alike breed Northern Inuit Dog"

41. SarcasmIsStupid

42. "My Alaskan Malamute puppy Chinook in his cedar house"

42. -EGC-SvetiKruh

43. "A good weekend to all!"

43. nocturnals_animals

44. "5 minutes into "brush me and chill" and she gives you this look."

44. Srous226

45. "Happy tongue out Tuesday from Nymeria!"

45. melissakate8

46. "Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (almost made me jump out of my skin)"

46. nagem7

47. "Sharing is caring"

47. wilde_run

48. "Here’s to spooky season & colder weather starting, giving our babes gorgeous coats."

48. catladyXxX

49. "My pretty girl"

49. xxDisturbed

50. "I was getting the pre-dinner staredown and played wolf howls as a distraction"

50. Spyderbeast

51. "This is my good boy Denali, he loves names on the couch"

51. NationalParkFan_

These animals are truly magnificent. Hopefully, you enjoyed these gorgeous beasts as much as we did.

And if you have a fluffy wolf-dog, please share its magnificence with us in the comment section below, we can't wait to see them. Who can ever get enough of wolf dogs and their stunning appearance? We surely can't.
