Wild Boar Finds Home In The Arms Of A Caring Labrador

An unusual but a wholesome tandem that you need to see.

Wild Boar Finds Home In The Arms Of A Caring Labrador

If there's one thing you can always count on dogs, it's the overflowing love, care, and attention that they give to just about anyone or anything they come across. They are very social creatures in nature, and they are always on the lookout for the next interactions with humans and non-humans, even with animals that aren't their own kind.

Couple that with an owner that's also as loving and caring, the lost individuals that find their way into these kinds of people are truly fortunate to fall under their loving arms. While it's not an uncommon thing to hear and see people or dogs helping another animal from distress, the world still needs a lot more of these stories that will further make it a better place—if not for us, but for these innocent animals.

If you are a fan of those kinds of stories, then this one will certainly capture your heart. It involves an abandoned wild boar found by a kind woman named Dora Ngai which brought it home to nurse back into health.

When Dora introduced the wild boar to her four dogs, one of them seemed to fall in love at first sight—and it looks like the wild boar decided to adopt the Labrador as her dad, too!

Check out their story below!

It all started when Dora found a box just outside her doorstep.

The box contained a wild boar who looked like it was abandoned and in distress. Little did the adorable creature know that he would go from being abandoned to living a very spoiled life after a kind woman found her at a doorstep.

It all started when Dora found a box just outside her doorstep.Dora Ngai

No one has an idea of how it got there but one thing was clear: the little creature was in dire need of help.

She was only a few hours old so Dora knew that she needed warmth as soon as possible. The woman rushed the boar inside the house and filled some bottles with warm water to keep its temperature high.

“She was only a few hours old. She had been separated from her mom and was looking very cold,” Dora said.

They did not know how to take care of a baby wild boar, but they were determined to save its life.

Dora and her boyfriend asked around but everyone said to them that it would be nearly impossible to take care of a wild boar and help it survive without its own mother. Thankfully, they were determined and goodhearted enough to pursue nursing the tiny creature back to health and save its life.

They did not know how to take care of a baby wild boar, but they were determined to save its life.Dora Ngai

“We read online that she would need to be fed every hour, so my boyfriend and I took turns sleeping in the living room with her for almost the first four weeks, feeding her every hour when she woke up and started crying. It was really like taking care of a baby for us," Dora said.

Dora Ngai

They named the wild boar Yezhu.

It was not easy taking care of Yezhu but she began to grow day by day. Dora then decided to introduce her to her four dogs but she was unsure of how both the dogs and the wild boar would react to the presence of each other.

Surprisingly and fortunately, it was a love at first sight for Yezhu and her dogs, especially with her gentle Labrador called Biu Biu.

They named the wild boar Yezhu.Dora Ngai

“She would always want to be with them — especially Biu Biu. She would always want to follow him and lie down next to him or sit on him. She’s really nice to all the dogs even though they do bark at her when she tries to steal their food. She really thinks she is one of them," Dora said.

Dora Ngai

Check them out in action below!

At present time, the wild boar and her friends became inseparable, and her relationship with Biu Biu began to grow stronger. Dora found out that Yezhu has some eyesight problems so she cannot be released back into the wild—but at least she seems so much happier with the kind of company she has now!

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