Husband Insists Wife Helps Him With Yard Work, Causing Severe Allergic Reaction, And Pouts When She Refuses To Cook Him Week's Worth Of Meals
He was aware that her doctor advised her not to do more yard work until they figure out what caused her allergies, but he pressured her anyway
- Published in Interesting
One of the things a couple didn't anticipate when they moved to a new state was the wife developing allergies. They haven't identified which plant OP is allergic to, but her doctor advised her to stop doing any yard work until they figure it out.
OP gets an allergic reaction each time she tries to help with yard-related chores. She gets a rash all over her body, and her joints swell for a week.
Wearing protective clothing and gloves didn't stop her allergies from getting triggered. Her husband is aware of what she has been going through.
When he mowed their yard, he insisted that OP help him rake up grass and weeds. OP initially refused and reminded her husband about her allergies.
He told her he really needed her help and that she should be fine. OP didn't want to refuse her husband and thought she would be okay if she just raked and didn't touch anything directly.
She woke up with her allergies flared up. Her rash, swollen joints, and general lousy feeling prevented her from doing what she normally does on Sundays: meal prepping.
OP usually eats easy meals that don't require a lot of prep, so she put together several containers of salads that would last her a week. Her husband, on the other hand, enjoys elaborate meals that OP typically cooks for him.
It usually takes OP hours to cook her husband's food for the week. He got mad when OP told him she couldn't make his food because she felt awful.
u/WrongdoerVisible7349Her husband said he would just get takeout because he wanted to relax on his last day off. He felt it was unfair that OP punished him for something that wasn't his fault.
u/WrongdoerVisible7349OP did agree to rake the yard to help him. OP said she wasn't trying to punish her husband — she's just suffering from her allergies.
u/WrongdoerVisible7349OP said her husband shouldn't have pressured her into doing something that put her at risk medically. He knew what her doctor told her but still made her do yard work.
u/WrongdoerVisible7349He didn't force OP's hands to touch grass and weeds, but he emotionally manipulated her into it. He knowingly put her health at risk.
crosstitcher46He knew that his wife's allergies were so terrible that she would rather touch poison ivy than suffer from week-long rash and joint pain, and he still pressured her.
WrongdoerVisible7349OP replied to a now-deleted comment why she cooks for her husband
WrongdoerVisible7349OP's husband is more concerned about his meals than her going through a week-long allergic reaction
Unhappy-Prune-9914Does he not believe that allergies are real? Did he deliberately ask her to help to incapacitate her?
Ich_bin_keine_BananeHe downplayed her condition because he didn't want to spend a few extra hours raking the grass and weeds himself
KingBretwaldOP should stop making excuses for her husband
YouthNAsia63He just emotionally manipulated her into doing what he wanted. Clearly not his fault.
calliatomIf he wants OP to cook while her joints are inflamed, then it shouldn't be a problem for him
TrespassingwThat still would have been wrong for him to do. You shouldn't put your health at risk to stop your spouse from throwing a tantrum.
DesertSong-LaLa, WrongdoerVisible7349OP and her husband talked. He explained his mood and accepted why she couldn't meal prep for him.
WrongdoerVisible7349He agreed to figure out his meals for the week himself while OP takes care of her allergic reaction. OP defended her husband from the conclusions drawn up about him in the comments.
She said he is not a lazy guy; he just hates cooking. Redditors voted that OP was not the a**hole, but it wouldn't be Reddit if no one advised her to rethink their marriage.