Wholesome Dogs Are Guaranteed To Make You Smile The Biggest Smiles

You know you deserve to smile as big as these good boys and girls want you to smile

  • Published in Animals
Wholesome Dogs Are Guaranteed To Make You Smile The Biggest Smiles

Dog lover to dog lover: Let's face the heckin facts! It's been a ruff-ruff year.

We may even say that using doge speak, but we aren't taking the year lightly. We know as well as the next person that we are all well overdue for some happiness.

How does one keep pushing forward when things look so gloomy and doomy? Naturally, by continuing to delight daily in mankind's BEST friend: dogs.

For everything that can and does go wrong, there is a dog out there who is ready and willing to turn your frown upside down. Dogs have that priceless ability to love unconditionally and that's got a lot to do with why dogs are so popular with humans.

We say all the time: we don't deserve dogs. If you aren't pawsitively convinced that dogs can totally cheer you up, here are some of the absolute best examples of joy-inducing dog posts that the Internet has had to offer lately.

1. "I Promised To Try To Love Her As Much As Our Golden Does"

Romantic as heck.

1. reddit.com

2. "Sir Patrick Stewart Playing A Very Serious Game Of Chess With His Foster Pup"

You didn't know that you needed this but you needed this.

2. reddit.com

3. "We Tested Smoke Detectors Yesterday. She Heard The Alarms And Ran Up The Stairs, Made It Past The Dog Gate, And Frantically Searched Every Room Looking For All Of Us. She Would Not Calm Down Until She Could Check Every Room. She Has Never Been Trained To Do This, But She Still Tried To Rescue Us"

Scratches and belly rubs are due.

3. Just_OneReason

4. "Rare Beauty"

Oh heck yes.

4. reddit.com

5. "Today Is Extra Special Because This Old Man, Who I Was Once Told Had A Life Expectancy Of 8 Years, Turns 16 Today! Happy Birthday Baxter Bear!"

A sincere cause for celebration!

5. reddit.com

6. "Sacrifice"

Worth it.

6. cpooleywriter

7. "Father And Son"

The resemblance is uncanny.

7. reddit.com

8. "When You Walk Past Someone You Know But Not Enough For You To Say Hello"


8. Mia And Benni

9. "My Dog Diesel Passed Away Last Month. I Had Him Cremated And His Ashes Spun In This Orb"

This is how you memorialize your best friend.

9. reddit.com

10. "Four Friends Taking A Nap"


10. reddit.com

11. "My Foster Mama Ellie Had Her Babies Yesterday - Apparently She Came With A Whole Lab Sampler Pack!"

Happy foster mama.

11. reddit.com

12. "My Mom Puts Their Puppy In Her Apron Pocket When She Preps Dinner And I’m Not Sure Who Enjoys It More"

The puppy gets my vote.

12. reddit.com

13. "When Ravioli Saw His Pups For The First Time!"


13. reddit.com

14. "He Loves All Animals"

Deer are just forest puppers.

14. dog_rates

15. "This Is "Frida", She Has Saved 60 People So Far In Her Career"

A round of appaws.

15. reddit.com

16. "Taught Chloe To Stand On My Wheelchair’s Feet Rests, Now All She Wants To Do Is Give Me Kisses"

This ought to make anyone smile.

16. reddit.com

17. "I Made This"

Oh my gosh.

17. dog_appledore

18. "In Mexico, This Girl Who Was Celebrating Her 15 Years Was Posing On The Floor When A Stray Dog ​​approached And Snuggled Over Her. Instead Of Getting Angry, She Asked To Take Pictures Together"

Thanks, I love it.

18. Andy1611

19. "Chewbacca Cosplay"

Now that's what I call cosplay done right.

19. reddit.com

20. "Four Borzoi Dogs Adorably Peek Their Big Noses Out Of Curtained Window One At A Time"


20. maki410723

21. "Beautiful"


21. mhdksafa

22. "Took My Uncles Guide Dog For An "Off Work" Walk"

Heckin happy pupper.

22. reddit.com

23. "Teddy Has Been Working On His Quarantine Beard. What Do You Guys Think?"

Now this is a BEARD.

23. reddit.com

24. "My Dog Lexi Is Turning 10 Soon. Through College, 3 Cities, 2 Apartments, And Our First Real House - Anywhere We Go, We Go Together"

10 years of perfection.

24. reddit.com

25. "I Got You, Fren"


25. reddit.com

26. "Stray Dog Looking After Stray Kittens"

The strays stick together.

26. reddit.com

27. "Growing Old Together!"

Doing it right.

27. reddit.com

28. "I’m Currently 40 Weeks Pregnant And His Favourite Spot Is On The Bump"

A good dog loves momma and baby.

28. reddit.com

29. "Charlie! He Was My Sober Gift To Myself. 130 Days Alcohol Free Today"

Good boi.

29. reddit.com

30. "It’s Important For Everyone To See This"

VERY important.

30. reddit.com

31. "He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off. Had To Bring Them Both Food And Water Because He Refused To Leave Its Side Day And Night, Very Proud Of Him"

Big guy looks out for little guy.

31. reddit.com

32. "True Love Knows No Fences"

It was simply meant to be.

32. reddit.com

33. "If You’ve Had A Rough Week Check Out Little Man Snoozing With His Very Good Boy"

Snuggle buddies!

33. Rex Chapman

34. "My Dog Is 18, Has Trouble Standing. Since Clare Was Born, He Stands For Hours Watching. Good Boy"


34. reddit.com

35. "When The Ac Hits Just Right"

Party animal.

35. reddit.com

36. "A Good Smiley Boi"

What a smile!!

36. reddit.com

37. "Just A Raccoon Hugging A Chihuahua"

No biggie, just incredibly adorable.

37. reddit.com

38. "Like Father, Like Son!"

Did anyone else audibly squeal??

38. reddit.com

39. "'they Hired A Photographer Just For Me!'"

Yep, just for you precious.

39. reddit.com

40. "Perfect Fit"

An optical illusion.

40. reddit.com

41. "Meet Charly, The Heart-Eyed Beauty ?? Isn't He Gorgeous?"

Oh, Charly.

41. Jade211

42. "My Grandma Had A 10th Birthday Party For Her Dog"

How to properly celebrate a birthday.

42. mk_richards_

43. "I Heard A Light Knock On My Door And Went To Answer It And It Was My Landlords’ Dog Bringing Me A Stick"

The heckin best day ever.

43. alanna

44. "My Dog Rolo Has Always Been A Messy Drinker, My Girlfriend Turned His Water Bowl Into A Moss Garden To Keep The Place Tidy"

Modern problems require modern solutions.

44. reddit.com

45. "A Family Portrait"

A seriously beautiful family.

45. reddit.com

46. "This Dog Donated His Blood"

How sweet is this??

46. sugarplum_m

47. "12/10 Good Boye"

We aren't entirely convinced 12 is a high enough rating.

47. SiriHowDoIAdult

48. "Somehow, I’ve Ended Up With Three Different Animals With The Same Color Scheme"

A coincidence? Fate? You decide.

48. reddit.com

49. "Doggy Has Asthma And Requires Multiple Nebulizations. But As Long As He Has His Ducky With Him, He Know He Is Gonna Be Ok"

Not to be dramatic but this is one of the most precious things ever.

49. reddit.com

50. "Purest Pup Ever"


50. ryanabe