Wholesome Dog Memes That'll Melt Your Heart Into A Puddle

Too pure for your heart to handle.

  • Published in Animals
Wholesome Dog Memes That'll Melt Your Heart Into A Puddle

Dogs. The internet revolves around them, their only obstacle and enemy being cats. The internet craze for dogs is completely understandable, though, seeing as their friendly and loyal nature is completed by their fluffy bread loaf bodies.

If you asked anyone on the street if they liked dogs, I guarantee you that most wouldn't say no. In fact, I'm sure this majority would happily rant about their love for canines. Pet cinemas have been made to allow dogs inside, dog parks were constructed for walks and games, and now memes.

Naturally, the people of the internet have created countless memes and media around our soft puppy companions; here is a compilation of 14 dog memes for your amusement and viewing pleasure.

My heart is starting to hurt.

My heart is starting to hurt.

That's some next-level fluff.

That's some next-level fluff.

Have you ever seen a dog so cute that tears well up in your eyes? Well, you have now.

Have you ever seen a dog so cute that tears well up in your eyes? Well, you have now.

I 👏Would 👏Give 👏You 👏My 👏Life

I 👏Would 👏Give 👏You 👏My 👏Life

Friends, not food.

Friends, not food.



Hairy Pawter?

Hairy Pawter?

My love for dachshunds knows no end.

My love for dachshunds knows no end.

Do everyone a favour and do them a educate.

Do everyone a favour and do them a educate.

Things... did not go as planned.

Things... did not go as planned.

You know I'm not wrong when I say this image could save lives.

You know I'm not wrong when I say this image could save lives.

You know it!

You know it!