People Online Are Choosing Who’s Better Between Cats And Dogs, And Their Reasons Are Intriguing
The time to choose your favorite animal and why has come!

It doesn’t always mean the end of the world for cats and dogs to coexist. Despite their vast differences, these two species may coexist successfully.
Dogs are pack animals as they group together into packs in the wild, where they work together to locate food and protect themselves. Domesticated doggos have a strong pack drive that makes them naturally sociable, pleasant, and eager to join a family or even just one person who can take care of their needs for food and leadership.
Dogs want affection and companionship. Cats, on the other hand, are lone hunters.
The majority of cats in the wild are lone nocturnal hunters, with the exception of lions. Cats can jump and climb, unlike dogs, which helps them in hunting and makes it simpler for them to escape danger. Cats don’t have to cooperate to take care of themselves.
As a result, they become territorial. These tendencies give domesticated cats more independence than dogs do.
They could appear distant due to their independence. They enjoy wandering the house at night and frequently snooze during the day.
In addition to preferring their own area, cats, especially those that have not yet been spayed or neutered, may be inclined to spray outside of the litter box to mark their territory. People on Quora have been asked to decide which is better, cats or dogs, and they gave remarkable replies.

2. Dogs are winning for this commenter



5. Another comparison right here

6. Rules you need to follow



9. Dog and cat advantages



12. When your pet is like your child
Daisy is my little Girl the day I got her from.a quilt shop in Ky she was so Chubby and now look st her.
She is an amazing very affectionate and loyal cats know when their owners are sick just like dogs. They stayby us when we hurt also
I love when they purr its a soothing sound Cats can communicate with their owners
My cat Daisy she loves my husband even to the point he has a hard time tying his shoes.
Daisy is a smowshoe and she is two and we are empty nester. So our Daisy is like my child. MY husband is tickle with her
PS i couldnt live without a cat it would be painful for me







19. The serious explanation

20. Haha...
I personally like doggies more but, some kitties can be sweet, as well.:) I especially like ginger tommycats with brown eyes. XD Its funny to tease them and make them grumpy LOL. XD

21. An interesting thread
Are dogs better than cats, you ask?

Well, this cat says HELL NO. Clover W. Cat is an expert on dogs, since he has the extreme misfortune of living with one.

This is Clover's dog, Gatsby. Gatsby is some kind of giant idiot breed. He's a mouth-breather, and he occasionally smells like dead fish (and not in a good way).

Gatsby enjoys the great outdoors, mostly because he lacks the introspection and imagination of cats. See, here is this filthy mongrel actually voluntarily getting wet. Does he even have a brain?

Clover says that the only real life that happens is the LIFE OF THE MIND. He may be an eccentric recluse, but that's only because he is so busy thinking deep things.

But Gatsby, this goddamn idiot, enjoys activities like car rides. If his IQ were even 0.5, he'd know that cars are terrifying and dangerous.

Better to stay inside and sleep. Sleeping is safe, and pleasant.

And if the dog tries to nap near the cat, Clover can just whisper disturbing things in the dog's ear: "I'm going to rip off all your whiskers, Gatsby. Then Mommy won't love you anymore and she'll abandon you at the pound. Shhh, shhh, go to sleep."

29. Or, just kick him off the bed entirely. "There is no dog bed. There is only the cat bed."

The dog is such a very large moron that he can't even fit in a box. "I've never seen him sit in a box," reports Clover, "because he is a dunce. He doesn't even know what he's missing."

Clover admits, though, that the dog is occasionally useful for body warmth. That's about it. Otherwise, he's a real waste of space

Being left alone, especially for extended periods of time, is extremely difficult for dogs because of their pack mentality. Cats have a unique advantage when it comes to hunting prey and defending themselves from larger predators thanks to their razor-sharp, retractable claws.
So take your pick on who is better. Drop your thoughts in the comments below.