Emotional Thread Has People Telling Stories Of What Their Dogs Did When They Were About To Die
"One day, my dog looked at me and I knew it was over"

Every individual who cherishes and lives with a dog will face the dreaded but inevitable day. I’m sure you can already tell what the dreaded day is all about.
It is a period when pawrents must decide whether to interfere with how and when their dog will pass away. It’s the idea of bidding your dog farewell for the last time.
It’s agonizing to watch your precious furry pals suffer, especially when they might be ready to cross the rainbow bridge. But then, have you ever wondered if these lovely dogs know they are about to die?
We struggle with this existential dilemma as humans too, and neither we nor our canine friends have all the solutions. It is uncommon for dogs to live for 20 years, and some don’t even reach that age.
The average lifespan of larger dogs is often lower than that of their smaller canine companions, but there are many exceptions. While the average lifespan of most dog breeds is known, this does not necessarily indicate how long a specific dog will live.
And when your dog nears the end of his life, you could start to fret about the eventuality of his passing. But then again, what do these dying dogs do to tell us that they’re leaving us for good?
Join in on today’s Quora discussion as there’s a lot to learn from the comments.

1. The best of lives

2. My beautiful dog spirit

3. My dear, Bugs
I was not in India when Bugs died.
I went to lay him to rest. After the burial, the whole family stood still. We couldn't talk. We had it coming. But none of us seemed to accept the reality.
Dad cancelled all his schedules. He pulled a chair and sat near a tree. Mom sat nearby.
My brothers and I looked at each other, trying to console each other. Shock and disbelief was everywhere.
Finally, my brother asked mom hesitantly: "Ma, what was he doing before he died?"
Tears trickled down her cheek. In an obviously pained voice, she said:
"He stopped eating. I gave him everything he would love. Nothing worked. He gestured me to the tree. I came out and sat here," she said, pointing at the tree near her.
"When he saw that I was there, he gave a mild bark, jumped playfully, and slept. He never woke up," she finished.
That was the tree under which mom found him ten years ago.
He was saying thanks, maybe? Or love you? Or just a dance of joy? I don’t know, really.
Run wild and free, little bugger.

4. "She licked her hands and went to sleep, forever."

She went to her room

5. A cute doggo story

She started showing lack of energy

Her owner knew what was coming

The dog showed no interest in things it used to love

More pictures of this cute doggo, Floyd are coming right up


Happy life

"I still miss you everyday Floyd. my angel"

6. So sad
My dog Jonesy is dying. She has heart disease. She was diagnosed this time last year. She has done well for the most part up until this last week, and we know it is time. We have a vet coming to the house on Monday to help her move on.
Her favorite of all time places, is in between both my husband and I. So we are going to sit on the front porch with her in between us and pet her and love her as she passes.

Sleeping a lot
What is she doing? She is sleeping a lot. She can’t travel very far because the heart disease makes it difficult to breath. So she pretty much stays in one place. One of us (my husband and I) or both of us are with her at all times right now.
Earlier today I had her on the porch and my husband was leaving. I ran out to the Jeep and as I was coming back she was sitting half way in between the porch and the Jeep that's as far as she could make it (that's what she does she loves us and protects us even now).
She doesn’t want her favorite treats, she doesn’t want to eat. We have cats she usually chases for fun and she doesn’t want to do that. So they have been coming to her to lay down with her, or be at her side. Anyone who says Cats are mean spirited and can’t love, has never had a cat.

It is heartbreaking
Most of all it’s breaking our hearts, all of ours, the cats, my husband, and I. It is tearing us up. We have the weekend with her and we are going to love her up. It is makes me cry. So here are some pictures of our Jonsey girl.

7. A true story

Dharma came to visit?

8. The story of Lassie

Lassie couldn't be saved

9. No signs at all

Big heart

The news were not good

Goodbye, Ocean

10. Our little Laika

Laika with Tom

She was a free spirit

Another picture of Laika

One noon, Laika didn't come home

Nobody wants to consider their dog’s final moments, yet every pet parent will eventually have to deal with this reality of life. However, it is hoped that having some level of knowledge of what is expected can take the place of some of the worry and uncertainty.
What do you have to say about this heartwrenching topic? Drop your replies in the comments below.