Grandma Makes A Video Of Her Adopted Cat Who Walks In A Weird Way And It Goes Viral

Cats are weird, did you know that? Why, of course you did.

  • Published in Animals
Grandma Makes A Video Of Her Adopted Cat Who Walks In A Weird Way And It Goes Viral

Yes, cats can be weird at times. And if you’re a cat owner, you probably have an idea about it because that is one thing you find out very quickly.

There are times when cats will begin running around the house at midnight. There are times when cats will stick their faces directly into your camera when you're on a zoom call.

Cats can decide to sleep in the most awkward positions. They can sit on your new pair of clothes.

They will take food right off your plate. And they can be creepy as well. That is exactly what they are and what they are capable of doing.

Nonetheless, there are some of them who are more awkward than others, and the cat in today’s story is one of those creeps. When you hear that there are a few cats who can walk on their two paws, what picture comes to your mind?

Well, we can guarantee you that anything you're envisioning isn't what you will find in these video clips. This grandma went to adopt a cat, not knowing that this feline had something in store for her.

You already know the secret: this particular adopted cat lives to walk on its two front paws. Without further ado, everyone, meet the weird cat for the day!

When we say 'some cats walk on two paws', this is what we mean


Have you ever seen a cat walk this way?

Have you ever seen a cat walk this way?u/CrackB3ar

Well, now this cat is setting the bar high

Well, now this cat is setting the bar highu/CrackB3ar

Anyone that briefly sees this feline walking this way might think that the cutie might be injured somewhere or that it might have a disability. But then, that isn’t the case here.

This cat has even been to the vet, and it has been certified that this cutie is just plain weird. And below, there’s another video of this cat taking a walk in its weird way.



It is really is how this cat prefers to walk


This cat is indeed just a weirdo

This cat is indeed just a weirdou/CrackB3ar

And there's nothing more you can add or subtract from that

And there's nothing more you can add or subtract from thatu/CrackB3ar

Just take a look at this cat displaying his acrobatic skills

Just take a look at this cat displaying his acrobatic skillsu/CrackB3ar

And the cat is taking a walk just on its two paws

And the cat is taking a walk just on its two pawsu/CrackB3ar

This is one of those videos that can make you stop, rewatch it once more, and make sure that your eyes are not deceiving you. Sure, you must have seen so many cat videos over the years, but have you ever seen something like this?

Well, we’ll let you answer that for yourself. Viewers have also left their opinions about this video, so check out some of their replies below.



Is there any specific reason he does this?

Is there any specific reason he does this?u/CrackB3ar

The cat figured out how to walk on twos and prefers it

The cat figured out how to walk on twos and prefers itu/CrackB3ar

The vets have confirmed that the cat is just a weirdo

The vets have confirmed that the cat is just a weirdou/CrackB3ar

It has been established that he walks like that all the time

It has been established that he walks like that all the timeu/CrackB3ar

There’s no end to what these pets have in store for their hoomans. It’s as if there’s a reservoir of them because as we scroll through our feeds, there’s always something new to see.

What are your thoughts about this weird walking cat? Were you impressed or surprised with its walking techniques?

Leave your thoughts and opinions below. 
