British People And Their Shenanigans That Some Of Us May Find Weird
Sometimes countries not that different from your own have some serious weird stuff going on

Travel is a funny thing. Even if you go to a country that is very similar to your own, there are still small things that are VASTLY different.
As an Australian, I found things in America extremely strange. Their coins didn't have the numerical value written on them, all the bills were the same colour, and they still used cheques. A lot!
In the U.K. I found slightly more normalcy, but nudity on TV, even at prime-time hours was FULL FRONTAL. I'm not a prude by any means, but travelling with a 3 year old meant I had to closely police the television at all hours.
I feel very validated in saying that I am not the only person who found certain things in the U.K a little odd. Below are 13 other examples of British weirdness - check them out!
"Apparently this terrifying thing is called Mr. Blobby. I'm afraid to Google details, but go on if you're braver than me."

"Do yourself a favor and look this definition up on Urban Dictionary."

"It's taking all of my self control not to look this show (?) up on YouTube."

"It's a smooch, duh. The only kind of smooches Brits dole out."

"They think washing machines belong in the kitchen (and also they don't use dryers?"

"Okay but guys I still don't know why I need an egg cup?"

"To be fair, I have actually seen this in America."

"That's cause fanny means vagina"

"Beans are bad enough on their own, but why would you want to ruin good toast? (Also, no. They have, by and large, not heard of flavor."

"Apparently they have a fear of dinging their sink? IDEK."

"I mean my grandma's sinks were like this, so it's not that we don't know about it – we've just evolved beyond it. Right?"

"Did you know they call all desserts & pudding; Like they say & what's for pudding? & I know."

"It is, as you have seen, a fair question."
