These Cute Cat Memes Perfectly Sum Up How Weird And Adorable Cats Are
"Get up, I'm cute and hungry"

Our affection for cats may be overwhelming, but what else can we do when we love them so much? For them, we would go to any lengths.
Though we must admit, cats are freakin' weird creatures. Obviously, we indicate that with a lot of love since their weirdness is one of the reasons why we adore them.
However, this statement is still true. The weirdest and the funniest habits can be seen together only in cats.
Although we love them and occasionally even believe that we know them, we can never figure out their true nature. For example, we can never understand why some cats have such a strong aversion to closed doors.
Some cats even have obscenely pretentious drinking habits that we could never imagine nor explain where those habits come from. Other cats sporadically like to give us heart attacks by making strange, non-meowing cat sounds, assuming it's their way to remind us that we are still alive and there's so much to live for, like feeding a cat, for instance.
These memes describe the phenomenon of cats being incredibly weird pretty well. It perfectly depicts everything about cats, from their strangest behaviors to their sweetest qualities, pointing out all their strange and wonderful sides.
Therefore, enjoy this selection of our furry friends warmly while cringing and laughing at the same time.
1. "I tried to catch her"

2. "Get up, someone is hungry"

3. A true buddy:

4. And you noticed the mistake too late...

5. "I just want to play with them"

6. "Can't afford to miss something interesting"

7. Friendly warning

8. "Don't leave me hereee"

9. Exactly

10. They became best friends

11. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see why you so like it."

12. A clever one

13. "Arrogant bastard"

14. "And because they made me."

15. "Be careful, it's extremely dangerous"

16. Great delight

17. Pretty much a match

18. The constant struggle of hesitation.

19. And you believe her...

20. The voice of common sense

21. "I'm waiting for my food."

22. Waiting for the owner to come home:

23. He definitely looks like he can

24. "Finally something useful"

25. When things don't go as planned...

26. "Oh, this was such an exhausting task."

27. Always same...

28. "Haven't you forgotten something?"

29. Her protector handled the situation

30. Fellow travelers

31. The mystery has been solved

Pet owners know that the presence of their furry friends in their life is nothing less than a blessing. But people who don't own their own cat can also experience that love and connection through these funny cat memes.
Even though they tend to be so weird, we treasure every moment we get to spend with their sweet weirdness. We wouldn't have it any other way...