40 Weird Cats That Will Definitely Make You Ask, “What’s Wrong With Your Cat?”

Cats would do everything to catch your attention.

  • Published in Animals
40 Weird Cats That Will Definitely Make You Ask, “What’s Wrong With Your Cat?”

Cats are very expressive creatures, and they love to capture your attention. They are clingy creatures, love hugs, and more often than not, they take our personal space.

Dogs may be every man's best buds, but the feline population secretly rules the planet. Every cat owner knows what this means.

Your feline friends don't like it when you ignore them as they are so needy of attention. There are times when cats act weird, show unlikely gestures, make faces, act like humans, or do some other expressions that you might wonder that something might be wrong with them, but that is just normal as cats are like that — they communicate through facial expressions.

At times when you don't hear them mewing, they are probably busy sleeping. Sometimes your cat would lay comfortably flat like a mat or rug made of fur.

They would appear so comfortable in their slumber in various positions that are difficult for us to figure out. Say, for example, sleeping with a seemingly twisted body.

But whatever they do, that does not affect their degree of cuteness. We will always find these cats adorable despite them being a little mean sometimes.

So here, we have compiled around 40 photos to show some of the weirdest actions that cats do. Check these photos, and you would surely think that something might be wrong with them.

1. Winston follows his leader. Whenever his owner would tilt his head, Winston does the same.

1. Winston follows his leader. Whenever his owner would tilt his head, Winston does the same.mycatsagirl

2. This is a cat rug or pawsibly a tiny, fury carpet.

2. This is a cat rug or pawsibly a tiny, fury carpet.soulshattering

3. While watching SNL, this happened.

3. While watching SNL, this happened.cbadgerow

4. Can you spot the difference?

4. Can you spot the difference?shedrinkscoffee

5. That's when a new species of geckos invaded the house.

5. That's when a new species of geckos invaded the house.errabaany

6. When your cat hates breaded chicken.

6. When your cat hates breaded chicken.Potential_Shake9250

7. Just the head and a leg? What kind of cat is this?

7. Just the head and a leg? What kind of cat is this? Azsnee09

8. He looks terrified while staring at this cactus.

8. He looks terrified while staring at this cactus.jkjulius06

9. He loves to watch birds in this kind of position.

9. He loves to watch birds in this kind of position.Jynxpdc

10. Are you crying?

10. Are you crying?Azsnee09

11. It's manic Monday.

11. It's manic Monday.sherbetandpretzels

12. When the computer update takes too long.

12. When the computer update takes too long.Azsnee09

13. The fire was way too hot, he melted.

13. The fire was way too hot, he melted.jasontaken

14. Looks like a vacuumed kitty.

14. Looks like a vacuumed kitty.STOPITDONKEY

15. Is it comfy over there?

15. Is it comfy over there?wellhelloredditpeeps

16. It's yoga time for Jake.

16. It's yoga time for Jake.McNasty420

17. A panorama of how this cat stole her dad's pants out of his closet.

17. A panorama of how this cat stole her dad's pants out of his closet.Rough-Emergency-3714

18. Literally falling... asleep.

18. Literally falling... asleep.Zealousideal_Bet_433

19. Bleeh!

19. Bleeh!Abhorsen9

20. Is this how you deal with constipation?

20. Is this how you deal with constipation?Azsnee09

21. This kitty is not dead!

21. This kitty is not dead!Makingwaves840

22. These cats don't feel safe in their new apartment.

22. These cats don't feel safe in their new apartment.Daktic

23. Brain freeze!

23. Brain freeze!KingSofaOfTheSlugs

24. Now, where's the bird?

24. Now, where's the bird?kt_in_de

25. This cat is from another planet!

25. This cat is from another planet!Tmtrademarked

26. So, how's the view from there?

26. So, how's the view from there?watchfulflora

27. Is there any cat here?

27. Is there any cat here?tallyhallic

28. Looks like a view from this cat's window.

28. Looks like a view from this cat's window.Formal-Rat

29. Say cheese!

29. Say cheese!Fillorian

30. This sleeping position is the new trend.

30. This sleeping position is the new trend.EarlofMayonnaise

31. This cat doesn't have bones.

31. This cat doesn't have bones.BOPSLady

32. This cat loves this skeleton.

32. This cat loves this skeleton.katspresso

33. What's with that stare?

33. What's with that stare?gbyfvnhudm

34. When you can't sit like a lady.

34. When you can't sit like a lady.no_name_maddox

35. Another rug cat.

35. Another rug cat.karmagheden

36. That's a baby cat.

36. That's a baby cat.MagdaCadabra

37. Stretch those limbs!

37. Stretch those limbs!Narwhal_97

38. "Oh, this feels like heaven. So addicting!"

38. Azsnee09

39. Perhaps these cats are trying to escape.

39. Perhaps these cats are trying to escape.amyllwho

40. Just don't fart ginger cat.

40. Just don't fart ginger cat.hardunkachud68

Cats are like babies. Despite their stubbornness, they also have an overly sweet side that we just can't resist. No matter what our cats do, we still love them and love them even more.

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