20 Weddings And Almost-Got-Married Stories That Didn't Have A Happy Ending

Forget 'Til Death Do Us Part, these weddings barely made it to the reception

20 Weddings And Almost-Got-Married Stories That Didn't Have A Happy Ending

Weddings are hectic. You've got caterers, planners, and people who haven't met or haven't seen each other for who knows how long to gather in one place.

They have so much stuff going on from start to finish that it's hard to keep track of everything. And important details are often overlooked until it comes back and bites you in the butt.

Everyone holds their breath until the bride and groom say 'I do' and all the papers are signed. Because despite what fairytale cartoons sell us, happy endings aren't always possible.

Even if you're already at the wedding. The amount of drama that can happen at weddings takes a nerve-wracking toll for the people involved, especially the ones who are getting married.

There are even TV shows dedicated to following people on their special day from start to finish. But sometimes there isn't a finish line.

In an AskReddit post, a Redditor asked if people have good stories to tell about being to a wedding where the couple didn't end up saying 'I do'. OP was also curious about how guests reacted to the situation.

If you scroll through the answers we compiled you're in for an interesting ride with these answers. It's time to find out about these almost-got-married stories.

This is the post from the subreddit

This is the post from the subredditnitcanavan



This might've been better as an almost-got-married rather than married-then-cheated-with story

This might've been better as an almost-got-married rather than married-then-cheated-with storyMaestroLogical

A continuation of the shocking story

A continuation of the shocking storyMaestroLogical

They're in the same boat, just different parties

They're in the same boat, just different partieskhendron

This is why weddings should be between people who actually really want it

This is why weddings should be between people who actually really want itDeepFriedGrapes

This was a whole ordeal of trading husbands

This was a whole ordeal of trading husbandsunknown

Accidents can lead to happy endings

Accidents can lead to happy endingsunknown

Just smile and wave guys, smile and wave.

Just smile and wave guys, smile and wave.Aprilburn

A continuation

A continuationAprilburn

When you can't even stand up infront of your love ones to blurt out your vows

When you can't even stand up infront of your love ones to blurt out your vowsLost_my_other_pswrd

There's sneaky and there's downright cruel

There's sneaky and there's downright cruelPotCounts

But payback's a b*tch

But payback's a b*tchPotCounts

Thinking that you're officially married but your wedding story turned out to be an almost-married story instead

Thinking that you're officially married but your wedding story turned out to be an almost-married story insteaddavidmitchellseyes

continuation of the story

continuation of the storydavidmitchellseyes

It's close enough, it does fit the post criteria

It's close enough, it does fit the post criteriaOminousOmnipotence

It's like an episode of the medical show that is still running after so many seasons

It's like an episode of the medical show that is still running after so many seasonsKyLBD

A story from a different perspective a.k.a through the eyes of the minister

A story from a different perspective a.k.a through the eyes of the ministerxpowa

continuation of the story

continuation of the storyxpowa

A ticket for a long-destination wedding became a well-deserved vacation instead

A ticket for a long-destination wedding became a well-deserved vacation insteadVegasFiend

The trauma of almost-weddings can be haunting

The trauma of almost-weddings can be haunting unknown

Maybe you'll get to hear the tale some time

Maybe you'll get to hear the tale some timeunknown

What is it with people getting drunk before their weddings? This is shorter than those celebrity marriages

What is it with people getting drunk before their weddings? This is shorter than those celebrity marriagesVrock1422

Well this took a really dark turn

Well this took a really dark turnHellofriendinternet

This groom took the best time slot of revealing a secret and getting revenge

This groom took the best time slot of revealing a secret and getting revengevou01

This marriage went down before it even had the chance to float

This marriage went down before it even had the chance to floatrylinn

Get ready for this messy tale

Get ready for this messy taleCockdieselallthetime

Guess it was a shocker to everyone except the bride

Guess it was a shocker to everyone except the brideCockdieselallthetime

A continuation

A continuationCockdieselallthetime

Having a divorce because of taking sides in another divorce

Having a divorce because of taking sides in another divorceCockdieselallthetime

A one-sided love spun things around in this almost-wedding

A one-sided love spun things around in this almost-weddingCorrovich

A lot of these almost-wedding stories are obviously destined to crash and burn from the start, especially those who got drunk that they couldn't even get through a wedding. There are those though that you'll feel sympathy for as they get blindsided.

If you were a guest that attended an almost wedding, what would you have done? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
