31 Hilarious Dark Comics With Unexpected Endings By 'War And Peas'
The newest War and Peas series of dark humor comics will radically shake up your day.
- Published in Funny
'War and Peas' is a series of dark humor comics created by the fantastic artist's duo Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz, from a town on the German-French border, Saarbrücken. Elizabeth is a freelance comic artist, and Jonathan is a lecturer at the local art school.
In 2011, they've decided to team up and started creating hilarious internet comics. Since then, their project has been growing up constantly, becoming one of the funniest webcomics online.
Their dark humor comics work is supported by fans all around the world. Currently, only the Instagram page 'War and Peas' has reached over a million followers.
They publish a new comic on their website every week, so you must wonder where they get their inspiration. Well, it comes from monitoring everyday life and spicing it up with a bit of black humor.
Also, twisted and unexpected endings of the stories are just one more of the reasons for conquering hearts and attracting worldwide attention. Besides publishing a new comics series of War and Peas, they have some additional great news for all lovers of their work - they are going to release a book.
This amazing deal they have signed with an international book publisher Andrews McMeel, last year. This company publishes Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, and many other dark humor comics, so it's a huge success for War and Peas.
Without further talking, let's take a look at their newest comics series. This humorously dark comic will definitely cheer up your day.
1. He doesn't hate people, just returning the favor.
War and Peas2. "I shall spare you, pitiful human."
War and Peas3. Klowns...
War and Peas4. Someone doesn't love Santa
War and Peas5. Easy peasy
War and Peas6. An opportunity to haunt one's ex
War and Peas7. Choose yours
War and Peas8. Amateur
War and Peas9. Killer clown
War and Peas10. Therapy doesn't work
War and Peas11. Good listener
War and Peas12. "My way or the highway"
War and Peas13. Don't get a cold
War and Peas14. Such luscious beards
War and Peas15. "Try to eat snickers. It helped me, maybe it will do for you, too."
War and Peas16. What a relief, thank god
War and Peas17. Keep those lasers coming
War and Peas18. Buffy princess
War and Peas19. "Kind of the same, but opposite direction"
War and Peas20. " We're gonna look so cool"
War and Peas21. In that case...
War and Peas22. How's it going?
War and Peas23. Hello friend
War and Peas24. How romantic...
War and Peas25. "The lord doth not judgeth"
War and Peas26. The scary idea
War and Peas27. Do what he says
War and Peas28. Eternal solitude
War and Peas29. Everyone has a hobby
War and Peas30. "No, no. It's perfectly fine"
warandpas31. Not you, sorry
War and PeasElizabeth said:
"Last year we managed to sign an international book deal with the publisher Andrews McMeel. That means that we found the same home as the Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, and many of our fellow webcomic colleagues. You can now preorder the book called Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers."
You can check their Instagram for more funny dark comics or find more info about the book. Their way to succeed wasn't as fast as they wanted, but they have accomplished it.
“My creative partner Jonathan and I, have hardly worked in offices, but when we did, we tried to befriend the office dog. That’s usually the best way to stay sane. If there is no office dog, we don’t work there."