Nowadays, shopping for things has become a lot easier, now that we can just browse and buy stuff online. It's a great convenience for everyone who wants to find affordable things to buy without leaving the comfort of their homes.
However, when you shop online, there is this looming fact that you would never get the chance to thoroughly inspect the product before purchasing it, so you take it on trust that it will meet your satisfaction once it arrives.
But there are actually a lot of times when the product does not live up to your expectations at all. These kinds of online shopping misfortunes are prime examples of "what you see is not always what you get."
However, that kind of saying is not only applied in terms of shopping online, because it happens in different kinds of things as well in transactions outside our homes. Have you ever wanted a tattoo but once the artist was finished on your skin, it did not turn out like the one you wanted at all?
While it can be quite irritating to be on the receiving end of falsely-advertised products, you can't deny that it is actually funny to look back once the negative feelings subside. You may have seen or heard of people ordering gowns online for a certain event or a prom, and they ended up with something that resembles a pile of rags—it's unfortunate but it's really funny!
Take a look at some more examples below!
1. The struggle with imaging the perfect photo on your head, only for it to end up like this
It's safe to say that we all have a fair share of experiences that involve being disappointed but at the same time, being amused by something that failed to meet our expectations. Let's just hope it won't happen multiple times, though!
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