TikToker's Comment Section Blows Up After Sharing How He Takes His 15-Minute Breaks At Walmart
If you've ever worked in retail or customer service then you know how it is on your shorter breaks.

Now if you've ever worked at a retail job then you should know about the break system and typically what's going on. A lot of places have a 30-minute or one-hour lunch and then usually two smaller breaks of ten or fifteen minutes.
Walmart is no exception to this break rule but it seems that people like to take their own kinds of breaks when working at Walmart based on all the comments that this video got. With that being said, we've seen it before where people extend their breaks or they make jokes about taking extra breaks and this guy went viral on TikTok for talking about his Walmart breaks.
Now, we wanted to share this story for those of you who haven't seen it, plus it is always fun to see what people have to say about the viral videos that do go around. That's why we wanted to share this story and show you also the responses.
If you've ever worked in retail or customer service then you probably do know about this kind of thing and have probably experienced it before too. Let's dive in and show you the original TikTok that went viral, as well as some of the best comments left on it giving their own perspective and opinion on the breaks.
This is the viral TikTok that he posted.
His video got about 1 million views, 80k likes, and over 500 comments on it. He shows a joke about how quickly the 15-minute breaks go by at Walmart and captions it "y'all know how it go fr."
Kind of surprisingly, he got a ton of different comments from former and current employees of Walmart.

People started saying how many breaks they took and how long they were.

I've never worked for Walmart but this would definitely be me. Looks like he's not the only one thinking this way though.

Yep exactly but I'm sure the bosses are on it when timing the breaks of others.

I think most of us would probably take advantage of the ability to just walk around the store kind of as a "break."
If you've worked for Walmart, what do you think about this? I think we can all admit to doing this at least once in our life.

I'm actually not even surprised by how many people extended their breaks or lied about them because I think all of us have done this at least one time.
It's really crazy because clearly everyone lives the same life that's worked in retail or at least in Walmart.

I'm sure a lot of people actually take longer breaks and honestly they probably deserve it.

After reading this entire post and watching the video I think we can all agree that breaks at work are not long enough at all and it literally feels like it's two seconds long. Whether or not he was exaggerating in the video is on him, but it seems that all the other Walmart employees agree with him.
Have you ever extended your break because you felt that it wasn't long enough?