30 Stupid-But-Funny Plate Designs Made By An Artist That Are All A Combination Of Classy And Sassy

The artist paints amusing comments on used porcelain plates to give them new life.

30 Stupid-But-Funny Plate Designs Made By An Artist That Are All A Combination Of Classy And Sassy

Plates—a simple circular surface that we use to serve food. An object so uninteresting that you'd probably think someone was crazy if they claimed to be entertained by it.

However uncommon the phenomenon may be, there are such people, and they are not as insane as one might think. This is because entertaining plates do exist.

This artist named Kamila Majcher crafted a delectable blend of sophistication and sass in these designs, and literally put them on a platter. Simply put (as if on a plate), the artist buys used porcelain plates and paints amusing comments on them to give them new life.

"Since I was a kid, my parents pushed me to paint and do art, so I went to art classes all the time. However, in high school, I decided to choose a different path," the artist says."

Kamila has had a few small enterprises as an adult and worked for both established organizations as well as start-ups. After a difficult split from a relationship that left her heartbroken, her creativity once more blossomed.

"I started making dolls, drawing, making costumes, and once I found a cute mini plate with baby seals on an online charity auction, and I instantly wanted to write something dirty on it. This is how this journey started. I got it and painted ‘send nudes' on it," Kamila said.

Kamila's friends were super excited when she shared it on social media, so she decided it was a cool thing to do. View the creations and let us know what you think!

1. Cinderella is a strong independent woman

1. Cinderella is a strong independent womanVery Ugly Plates

2. An allergic dog

2. An allergic dogVery Ugly Plates

3. Together

3. TogetherVery Ugly Plates

4. Life offerings

4. Life offeringsVery Ugly Plates

5. How about you open up?

5. How about you open up?Very Ugly Plates

Using vintage plates and modernizing them appeals to her. Kamila is Polish, and when she was young, hanging plates from the wall was quite fashionable.

"That reminds me of a granny’s house. But I wanted it to be a bit naughty, "she says.

6. Huh!

6. Huh!Very Ugly Plates

7. Bring more specific

7. Bring more specificVery Ugly Plates

8. Bring a book

8. Bring a bookVery Ugly Plates

9. Sober up

9. Sober upVery Ugly Plates

10. I don't eat trash

10. I don't eat trashVery Ugly Plates

"Currently, in my collection, I have around 400 plates waiting for their time to shine. Sometimes I think about myself as a machine that hoovers situations, thoughts, and interactions, processes them, and then some funny plate comes out," says Kamila.

Check out more of her work below...

11. What!

11. What!Very Ugly Plates

12. Where are you?

12. Where are you?Very Ugly Plates

13. This is what I get...

13. This is what I get...Very Ugly Plates

14. Setting the alarm by 3:50 a.m.

14. Setting the alarm by 3:50 a.m.Very Ugly Plates

15. Fabulous beings

15. Fabulous beingsVery Ugly Plates

16. Was it?

16. Was it?Very Ugly Plates

17. I promise

17. I promiseVery Ugly Plates

18. No way

18. No wayVery Ugly Plates

19. A message

19. A messageVery Ugly Plates

20. A better life

20. A better lifeVery Ugly Plates

21. Guests

21. GuestsVery Ugly Plates

22. So sorry

22. So sorryVery Ugly Plates

23. It's time

23. It's timeVery Ugly Plates

24. Did you?

24. Did you?Very Ugly Plates

25. A cream pie

25. A cream pieVery Ugly Plates

26. Hurry up guys

26. Hurry up guysVery Ugly Plates

27. It is what it is

27. It is what it isVery Ugly Plates

28. Really?

28. Really?Very Ugly Plates

29. A two course meal

29. A two course mealVery Ugly Plates

30. Oh well...

30. Oh well...Very Ugly Plates

The artist says that sometimes she knows the story she wants to tell with a plate when she even sees it. Kamila has some knowledge of priceless objects because she collects glass and porcelain, but she would never ever use them in her artwork.

She has respect for things, and she tries to improve them. Every plate she uses is a mass-produced item without any artistic value.

More info: veryuglyplates.de | Instagram | Facebook
