Vegan Hunters Are A Thing And We Have 30 Funny Pics To Prove It

If you thought hunting was a sport exclusive to carnivores and omnivores, well, you'd be wrong, my friend.

Vegan Hunters Are A Thing And We Have 30 Funny Pics To Prove It

If you thought hunting was a sport exclusive to carnivores and omnivores, well, you'd be wrong my friend. At least, that's the message some vegans with a great sense of humor are trying to get across with a series of hilarious 'hunting' photos.

Posing with weapons in their hands, in what are typical hunting-style poses, these vegans are proudly posing next to the vegetables they've 'hunted' in their gardens. We've collected 30 of the best pics of these quirky 'vegan hunters' with their 'prey' for you to enjoy!

Scroll down to take a look and learn a little more about veganism and its popularity in recent years.

#1 A proud hunter with his kill.

#1 A proud hunter with his kill.





“Nutrition free of animal products has been around for a long time. Many great teachings, such as yoga, Buddhism, and others, contain messages that the lives of all sentient beings is precious and should be cherished,” said Kristina Gužauskytė, a healthy-living expert, Mai Ram Yoga teacher, and lawyer.

“History shows that for a long time meat and other animal products were easily available only for a small part of population, whereas vast majority of people - peasants, slaves, laborers - used to consume only small amounts of it and sustained themselves on plant-based staples, such as rice (Asia), maize (South America), grains (Europe),” Kristina said.


#4 Hunter, complete with hunting lion.

#4 Hunter, complete with hunting lion.


#5Outdoor Boys

“We can see from various research that as the food industry grew, the consumption of animal products also increased worldwide. I think, nowadays we are witnessing a saddening situation in people‘s eating habits, which are built on using food as entertainment or to relieve stress, consuming food unconsciously and way more than we need, throwing food away, not feeling any gratitude for what is on our table and not realizing that only because of Nature are we able to sustain our lives.”

“In turn, factory farming caters to these habits by treating animals like property items, without any respect or compassion. The effect is suffering - not only animals but humans themselves too, as various illnesses come as a result of over-consumption and not being in harmony with Nature,” Kristina said.

“So, I believe veganism is growing nowadays, as a natural counterweight for this cult of eating everywhere, everything and all the time, and using food to experience pleasure, without thinking about consequences.”

“For me, it is hard to predict whether the percentage of vegans is going to grow or diminish in the future. However, I am certain that there will always be people who live and eat consciously, respect and value life not just of their own but of others too.”




Kristina mentioned she personally has tried several different diets in her life.

“In the past, I've tried various things - from a standard diet to a vegetarian one, to vegan, even to raw vegan.”

“I must say, my experiments, unfortunately, were sometimes built on rules, even restrictions. Sometimes I would feel like I could fly or run to the top of the highest mountain and other times I would feel tension. For sure, I was not in true balance,” Kristina said.

“I learned so much from it. I learned that life is so multifaceted - sometimes by trying to avoid causing harm to others, one might harm him or her self. I learned that health is not just physical but also psychological. I learned what true beauty is. I learned how to hear what my body is trying to tell me through various signs. I learned that we are all different and have different physical needs, based on our genes, biology, occupation, and that we all experience different stages in life. A child‘s nutritional needs will be different than an adult‘s, a pregnant woman will need different things compared to an old person, someone who is recovering from a disease will eat differently than a healthy individual.”

“So, gradually I have let go of all tags for myself. I do feel best on a diet largely based on plants, full of colorful fruit and vegetables, prepared and eaten with love and gratitude. I do incorporate some animal products too as I feel it helps me to stay balanced and healthy,” she said.

“Now, I feel better than ever, especially because of the psychological freedom and relaxation that comes from listening to my body and not being fanatical. I know that I am changing constantly and I accept that my nutrition might need to change as a result, so that I can adapt to all events that life brings.”




#8 Aha!

#8 Aha!

Does Kristina see any health or climate change-related problems with some people continuing to eat meat in the future?

“I don‘t believe eating meat is evil by itself. My grandmother has been eating meat her whole life and she is now a youthful, happy 97-year-old lady.”

“The problem lies in overconsumption, not being conscious of our true needs and not seeing the value in the life of others. I believe that we hurt ourselves and Planet Earth by getting out of balance with Nature and not paying attention to the natural rhythms of our own bodies.”

“I would encourage people to be conscious of their eating habits and try to honestly see, whether they are eating food because of their physical needs or because of habit, pleasure, societal pressures,” she said.

“By doing that, I believe, we can naturally and effortlessly decrease the consumption of meat as a society, which would allow to be healthier and diminish the extent of factory farming which is causing so much pain to those who cannot defend themselves. We are all in one big circle of Life, so let‘s cherish it and do our best to create well being to ourselves and others.”






#11 American pride.

#11 American pride.





#14 A hunter stalks his prey.

#14 A hunter stalks his prey.







#18 Proud.

#18 Proud.BanMePls





#21 A clever boy.

#21 A clever boy.l_aurarossi











#27 Two proud hunters.

#27 Two proud hunters.dirtyhoefarms

#28 The resemblance is uncanny.

#28 The resemblance is uncanny.



