Redditor's Girlfriend Wants To Take Vacation With Male Friend For "Some Time Alone," Asks How To Handle Situation Without Appearing Jealous Or Controlling

"I do trust her & I know she loves me, but i'm just so damn concerned something will happen and all this stuff."

Redditor's Girlfriend Wants To Take Vacation With Male Friend For "Some Time Alone," Asks How To Handle Situation Without Appearing Jealous Or Controlling

The idea that it's a bare minimum standard in relationships to not go on vacations with a friend of the opposite sex, especially without your partner, stems from concerns about trust, emotional intimacy, and boundaries.

While every relationship is different and governed by its own set of rules, there's a widespread belief that sharing a vacation exclusively with someone who could potentially be seen as a romantic interest can create complications.

Even if nothing inappropriate occurs, the perception of impropriety could still damage trust and cause emotional turmoil within the partnership. It's common sense—you wouldn't want your partner to turn the tables around and do that to you, right?

Moreover, vacations often involve shared experiences that can deepen emotional intimacy. This can be especially challenging when the friend is of the opposite sex, because societal narratives often interpret these cross-sex friendships through a lens of potential romantic or sexual involvement.

For partners left behind, this can result in feelings of exclusion, insecurity, and worry, which are all corrosive elements in a relationship. The concept of wanting "some time alone" but choosing to spend that time on a two-week vacation with a friend of the opposite sex raises additional questions.

While personal space is crucial in any healthy relationship, this particular arrangement can appear as though one is prioritizing a different relationship over the one with their partner. This seems to be the kind of talk that a certain Redditor's GF needs—just scroll and take a look!

OP, in search for an emotional outlet, shares that their partner of two years is setting off on a two-week vacation with a male classmate.

OP, in search for an emotional outlet, shares that their partner of two years is setting off on a two-week vacation with a male classmate.Reddit

OP's girlfriend planned a vacation with a male classmate, wanting some time alone.

Although trust is present, unease looms over as OP wishes to join and worries about the implications of the trip.

OP's girlfriend planned a vacation with a male classmate, wanting some time alone.Reddit

OP seeks guidance on addressing their concerns without disrupting the trip or seeming possessive.

OP seeks guidance on addressing their concerns without disrupting the trip or seeming possessive.Reddit

Here's what people have to say:

Here's what people have to say:Reddit

Huge red flag indeed!

Huge red flag indeed!Reddit

It's TWO weeks. Cut her off, OP!

It's TWO weeks. Cut her off, OP!Reddit

Seems like it's definitely headed down that route...

Seems like it's definitely headed down that route...Reddit

Get that UNO reverse card out!

Get that UNO reverse card out!Reddit

Drawing from personal history, this commenter recalls a past breakup triggered by a similar situation.

Drawing from personal history, this commenter recalls a past breakup triggered by a similar situation.Reddit

We know right!

We know right!Reddit

It's all about respect and boundaries, at the end of the day.

It's all about respect and boundaries, at the end of the day.Reddit

Accept the defeat. Or the win—whatever you want to view it as!

Accept the defeat. Or the win—whatever you want to view it as!Reddit

The world's an ocean, OP—go find the right fish for you!

The world's an ocean, OP—go find the right fish for you!Reddit

True, it's fair to be concerned in this kind of situation. Who would want that anyway?

True, it's fair to be concerned in this kind of situation. Who would want that anyway?Reddit

Whatever the sleeping arrangements may be, it's still weird!

Whatever the sleeping arrangements may be, it's still weird!Reddit

Just keep moving forward, OP.

Just keep moving forward, OP.Reddit

"Do it now or she'll do it for you."


The denominator: leave.

The denominator: leave.Reddit

Reciprocal freedoms are golden.

Reciprocal freedoms are golden.Reddit



Directly as that!

Directly as that!Reddit

A perspective from someone who has been in OP's GF's shoes:

A perspective from someone who has been in OP's GF's shoes:Reddit

But this is still not valid!

But this is still not valid!Reddit

The commenter, however, still defends herself:

The commenter, however, still defends herself:Reddit

Suspicious AND disrespectful, indeed.

Suspicious AND disrespectful, indeed.Reddit

Truth be told...

Truth be told...Reddit

Nope the hell out.

Nope the hell out.Reddit

"Just friends."


Turn the whole thing around, OP!

Turn the whole thing around, OP!Reddit

From a distant perspective, the trip does resemble a honeymoon vibe.

From a distant perspective, the trip does resemble a honeymoon vibe.Reddit

Let her wander, but remember, the post-trip cues might serve as the treasure map for deciphering where the relationship's compass truly points.

Let her wander, but remember, the post-trip cues might serve as the treasure map for deciphering where the relationship's compass truly points.Reddit

In a relationship, ensuring that your partner is always comfortable with the decisions you make is the bare minimum. There seems to be a lot of underlying issues here, though—but what do you think?

Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
