People Share "Stuff That Should Not Exist" On Twitter, And These Are The Top 40 Items
Who would ever drink Bacon Soda? But, then again, it probably goes well with Swedish Fish Oreos….

We live in a consumer society, and the companies are racing to provide us with the stuff we need. And when we don’t need something, they will create that need.
In their experimenting with trying to make that bestselling new hot item, they sometimes go overboard and create the craziest things, which don’t serve any purpose. Who needs a pillow with Nicolas Cage’s face or a hybrid between crocks and high-heel shoes?
Twitter #StuffThatShouldNotExist thread is dedicated to those wonderful, crazy, useless things. We have compiled a list of some of the best and craziest entries, and you will shake your head in disbelief.
1. A chicken in a can

2. A skirt with a face

3. Chocolate chicken

4. Shoes are protected

5. What?

6. Is this a real thing?

7. Nicolas Cage pillow

8. Picnic pants. Who invented these, and why?

9. Peeps Pepsi

10. A bread in a can

11. So cute

12. What is this?

13. Socks and sandals

14. Shake it

15. Oreos that taste like fish

16. "Bicycle Seats, Hurts So Much"

17. Bacon soda?

18. "Blue Maple Syrup. Even If It Feels Fun." All natural?

19. "I Present You Some Of The Most Cursed Things I've Ever Come Across"

20. Because you need a remote wherever you are.

21. Scary stuffed animals

22. "Nasty Peeps"

23. "This Monstrosity..."

24. Vampires? Really?

25. "Come To Australia"

26. Really?

27. Carpet Bathrooms. Why?

28. Taking my dog with me everywhere

29. Coronavirus

30. Twinkle Tush ?

31. "The Fact These Exist Is Worrying"

32. Who would wear these?

33. "LED Headlights Are Basically Brights. Talk About Being Blinded By The Lights..."

34. "These Containers That The Entire World Can Hear You Opening"

35. Plastic waste

36. Pizza cotton candy

37. What is this?

38. Big hornets

39. Hybrid

40. "This Tape Dispenser"
