Writer Shares 10 Interesting And Valuable Concepts He Learned In 2022, And They Helped Him Better Understand The World

Maybe they will help us too...

Writer Shares 10 Interesting And Valuable Concepts He Learned In 2022, And They Helped Him Better Understand The World

Many of us are continually in pursuit of valuable pieces of knowledge that could aid us in comprehending reality better and taking our lives to the next level, even if only slightly. Nevertheless, tremendous ideas are not just located in ancient books in dark corners of libraries.

You can also come across influential ideas on social media; you just have to know who to track. For example, recently, writer Gurwinder Bhogal, also known as @G_S_Bhogal, became extremely popular after he posted 10 of the most helpful concepts he grasped during the previous year, which helped him comprehend the world better.

"I decided the concepts based on what I found most memorable, as this seemed to be a good indicator of notability," he says. "There were many others that were close to getting into the top 10, such as Audience Capture, Twyman's Law, and the Paradox of Unanimity."

"Writing is as much about teaching myself as teaching others. It's not just that I learn while researching topics to write about; it's that the very act of expressing myself in words teaches me things about myself that I didn't know. I, therefore, see writing as a form of personal growth."

Take a look at these interesting and so true concepts:

Writer Gurwinder Bhogal, also known as @G_S_Bhogal, became extremely popular after he posted 10 of the most helpful concepts that he grasped during the previous year:

Writer Gurwinder Bhogal, also known as @G_S_Bhogal, became extremely popular after he posted 10 of the most helpful concepts that he grasped during the previous year:@G_S_Bhogal

Solomon's Paradox

Solomon's Paradox@G_S_Bhogal

Cunningham's Law

Cunningham's Law@G_S_Bhogal

Bonhoeffers Theory of Stupidity

Bonhoeffers Theory of Stupidity@G_S_Bhogal



Gibson's Law

Gibson's Law@G_S_Bhogal

Surrogate Activities

Surrogate Activities@G_S_Bhogal

Shirky Principle

Shirky Principle@G_S_Bhogal

Babble Hypothesis

Babble Hypothesis@G_S_Bhogal

Noble Cause Corruption

Noble Cause Corruption@G_S_Bhogal

Noise Bottlenecks

Noise Bottlenecks@G_S_Bhogal

It can be very easy for one's voice to be drowned out by the commotion on social media. We were eager to hear Gurwinder's thoughts on how authors can distinguish themselves on Twitter and Substack, as well as what motivates him to continue writing and instructing others.

"Write what you most want to write about rather than what you think other people want to read. This is because, if you're passionate about something, you can make even the most boring subject interesting, but if you're chasing popular trends, you'll be doing the same thing as millions of other writers, while struggling to maintain the interest to consistently create compelling content," he explained that writers ought to be honest with themselves and ignore the crowd. Do what you're passionate about, not what you hope will make you popular.

Here is what people had to say about these concepts:

Here is what people had to say about these concepts:@G_S_Bhogal

Some even contributed:

Some even contributed:@G_S_Bhogal

Some people were disagreeing with some of the concepts:

Some people were disagreeing with some of the concepts:@G_S_Bhogal



Sarcastic, realistic, and funny

Sarcastic, realistic, and funny@G_S_Bhogal

Point 10 is on point

Point 10 is on point@G_S_Bhogal

There are so many principles...

There are so many principles...@G_S_Bhogal

This is true:

This is true:@G_S_Bhogal

This thread helps

This thread helps@G_S_Bhogal



The modern world is incredibly complex and interconnected, making it difficult for an individual to know where to turn for accurate information. With the prevalence of fake news and misinformation, it is important to carefully vet sources before trusting them.

It is important to look at the qualifications of the source, the reputation of the source, and the evidence given to support the claims made. Additionally, it is important to look at the sources of the source - where did they get their information from?

This can help to ensure that the information being presented is accurate and reliable. Ultimately, it is important to be a critical thinker and to be aware of our own biases when it comes to picking sources to trust.
