The U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Used Cats To Design The Best Calendar That Everyone Will Want
It goes to show, engineers are a very clever breed

Most folks use the start of a new year to make changes in their lives. The most straightforward change to make is switching out last year's calendar for the current year.
Just in time for the new year, some genius (or group of geniuses) with the Portland District of the US Army Corps of Engineers released a rather unique calendar, featuring the internet’s favorite subject: cats. While there may be countless cat-themed calendars on the market, I can guarantee there are none quite like this one.
With some rather creative and ~excellent~ photoshop skills, the creators behind this project paired gigantic cats with a mix of Oregon’s dams, infrastructures, and the Columbia, Willamette, and Rouge rivers. As if that can’t get any better, there are the hilarious descriptions they wrote for each month, proving that engineers have a great sense of humor.
The cherry on top is that you can get this calendar for free. The calendar is available for download here, then all you have to do is print it.
If you’re not sure that this is worth using up your office supplies, we have you covered. You can just scroll down to see each month and check out what this calendar is all about!
The calendar front features a cutie on a massive boat

Hi cutie-pie

January: "What the Hills Creek is THAT??!!"

February: "Two new openings if anyone wants 'em"

Now hiring

March: "For the love of Green Peter this kitten is just adorable"

The actual cutest

April: "You know if cats were giant this would be a real photo"

Very accurate

May: "We felt like we had to impress it"


June: "Nothing like 60,000 cubic feet of water per second to rock you to sleep"

Nothing quite like the sound of rushing water to lull you to sleep

July: "If I fits, I sits!"

It's Cat 101

August: "They said I could be anything, so I became an excavator"

Keep your dreams alive

September: "They're famous to us, anyway"

Giving us "my mom says im cool" vibes

October: "The chances of it happening are very, very low. But never zero."

So, there's still a chance

November: "A cat on the prowl at Lookout Point Dam"

That tracks

December: "When you have to go you have to go"

When nature calls...

And it ends with Detroit Dam and it's many talents

This calendar is such a clever mix of informative and silly. Definitely, a fun way to keep track of your schedule while learning a bit about Oregon’s infrastructures.
It also serves as a humorous reminder that cats are gonna cat, and there’s not much anyone can do about it. If you enjoyed this preview, be sure to hop over to the USACE digital library to download your own copy!