29 Uplifting Messages From Strangers That Are Guaranteed To Give Your Spirits A Boost
There are still some genuinely good people in it, and that is something to be celebrated.

The world can be a tough place to live in sometimes. Life isn't easy; there are physical and mental obstacles, wars, tragedies, devastation, and sadness everywhere we look.
And with the current situation in Ukraine, it is certainly in the forefront of our minds how bad things can get. People everywhere are suffering in one way or another, and it's hard to witness.
But the world isn't an entirely bad place. There are still some genuinely good people in it, and that is something to be celebrated.
No matter what our personal circumstances may be in life, whether we are disadvantaged or privileged, rich or poor, we all have bad days sometimes. Life gets tough, and it's easy to become stressed, depressed, disheartened, and overwhelmed by what's happening around us.
So, today we decided to boycott any and all negativity. Nope, no negative thoughts here!
Instead we are going to share 29 uplifting messages just for you from complete strangers. Messages of encouragement, love, kindness, and inspiration from caring humans who have been exactly where you are right now, and know how hard things can be.
We all need a boost sometimes. So, get cosy, grab a cup of tea, and get ready to be uplifted!
1. Love always wins.
I've been through a lot but the best part of everything was being with you.

2. What a world!
There are so many good things out there in the future, but you gotta go through this to get there. And when you are there, these are the times that make GREAT stories to share with others. A lot of people are going through these times, and this means you have buddies you haven't met yet. May not feel good right now, but it will, the clouds will part and the sun will shine. What a world!

3. "Even if the present or the past is dark, the future might turn bright."
I'm not sure what to really write but I have a list that helps me sometimes honestly because my life sucks right now and I just am really stressed out everyday... Here is the list that you can do if you're feeling down:
1. Listen/dance to music.
2. Hug someone/something.
3. Washing your face/taking a bath.
4. Watching videos, movies, or TV shows.
5. Drawing on paper or phone (if you enjoy drawing).
6. Creating a sticker book.
7. Writing your feelings down in a journal or anything that has happened 'today'.
8. Cleaning (if cleaning makes you calm or maybe cleaning with music on).
9. Doing something nice for somebody else (I get happy a bit if I made someone else happy).
10. Reading comics/books (if u enjoy reading or reading makes you calm).
11. Thinking about good memories. Negative thoughts can fill our heads but we shouldn't focus on that so how about good memories instead?
12. Baking/cooking something. If you enjoy cooking/baking it can be sometimes a calming thing to do!
13. Playing with pets (if any chance you got a pet just play with them - pet them - or watch them calmly).
14. Eating something sweet/good (sometimes I get upset if I haven't eaten something or I just get hangry).
15. Do something you like to do... Have your own free time and don't worry about other things.
Words are easier said than done but I hope everyone's gonna have a good life because even if the present or the past is dark the future might turn bright and I hope you know that there are people in the world that care about you. 💗 (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ 💗
!!~ sending virtual hugs ~ !!

4. "Someone is always loving you."
You are loved no matter what. No matter where you are, someone is always loving you.

5. "We love you all!"
To the people in Ukraine... We love you all!

6. Let the past pass.
If you look to the future, you're mature.
The past won't pass.

7. "You are enough."
You are enough, you are so enough it’s unbelievable how enough you are! Listen, I think it’s the perfect time to remind ourselves how enough we are!
How often do we forget that who we are, and how we came on to this planet, is enough? How many ways do we see in our own life, our own friends, family, planet… people forgetting how enough we are! When you see the hopelessness in others, how does that make you feel? What do you do for the others to correct that? How can you be that kind and loving for yourself as well?
Why is it important that you know how enough you are? Because I believe that if we start coming from a place of THAT level of knowledge, we create a better existence for each other!!! Living in our “enoughness” is the antidote to shame, anxiety, loneliness, depression, feeling unloved, etc., etc., etc.
- Sierra Boggess

8. "All you need is love."
You are enough! Just wait... It gets better. All you need is love.
Praying for Ukraine! Lots of love from America!

9. "Be the helper others look for."
Watch Mr. Rodgers talk after 9/11 and be the helper others look for.

10. You are NOT useless!
If you feel useless, remember there are lifeguards at the Olympics!

11. "You've got this!"
To anyone still in middle school, it will get better. The obnoxious cliques will go away, you will find somebody who loves you back, and you will ace that next test. I get it, middle school sucks. But hey, there's a reason it's only two years. You've got this, and I'm with you on this journey!

12. Have faith.
Have a little faith, baby.

13. "You are worthy of love."
Hi there đź‘‹
I know things are tough, I know the world's a mess right now and you are feeling down.
But I want you to know:
•It's okay to take a break, take some time out for yourself
•If the environment you are in is too toxic and hazardous to your mental health, please try to leave
•Somebody over here cares about you.
•Crying isn't a sign of weakness, it's a stress reliever. You're free to cry, it's not a crime.
•Distance yourself from people that make you feel bad for feeling bad (even if it's your family).
•Treat yourself (even if it's a special TV marathon, just say "f**k it, this is self-care" and over-stuff yourself with ice cream while wearing a pair of your ugliest pajamas).
• And lastly, don't give up on yourself.
You are worth being cared for, you are worthy of love especially if it's from you.
Praying for Ukraine 🥺💓

14. "First, love yourself."
Everyone needs love in their life but to be loved, first love yourself.

15. Always fight back!
The people of Ukraine are fighting back. Everyday people are fighting back. I really hope they succeed. We love you from America, Ukraine!

16. "Someone is fighting for you."
Always somewhere, someone is fighting for you.
-Quote from Puella Magi Madoka

17. Always!
There's always gonna be someone out there who loves you!

18. "You are exactly who you are supposed to be."
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
You are exactly who you are supposed to be.

19. "Love you!"
Hi!! If you're feeling sad, just know that I love and support you! I don't care where you are, what you look like, what you got on your test, or who you love. Just know that it can and will get better if you work hard enough, and I've gone through stuff but am much happier because I worked hard! Love you!!!

20. No one is perfect.
Real people aren't perfect, perfect people aren't real.
You are enough! :)

21. "You're the pilot."
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.

22. "Never, ever give up."
Dear reader,
I just want to say, there will be better days. I know life is tough, and things get hard, but look for those little happy moments. Stay close to those who care for you, even if you feel like pushing them away.
And never, ever give up. Show those who hate you that you are NOT going to let them bring you down. Get back up when you are pushed down and keep fighting.
The battle may be a bit rough for a while, but it will get better. And remember, always remember, and don't forget to smile.

23. We love you!

24. "You're valid!"
You're valid! You're loved! You have people who will support you, even if you're not sure who at this point in time. I hope you have a good day and I hope whatever is bothering you will resolve itself or at least get more manageable soon!

25. "You're an incredible person, never forget that."
Everything is going to be okay. There are people out there who care about you, and so many incredible things you're going to see, do and experience during your lifetime.
You have so much value and are completely irreplaceable, despite what you or others may say. You're an incredible person, never forget that.

26. Virtual hugs.
I wish I had positive messages to lift you up, but I'm just ridden with anxiety as most of the world right now. So, instead, I'm posting this little text to show my empathy, in hopes of the most peaceful outcome possible. Wars, pandemic, poverty, hunger... Seriously... Sending virtual hugs. That's all I can say right now.

27. You're amazing!
You've got this, you amazing, beautiful butterfly!

28. "You are special!"
The odds of you being born are 1 in 400 trillion (that’s 400,000,000,000,000). You are special! As someone who faces anxiety, you are not alone. 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in their life. You have the power to do anything you want!

29. It's okay to not be okay.
It's okay to feel sad. It's okay to cry. Sometimes stuff sucks and it's okay to acknowledge that.

How lovely is it to read so many messages filled with warmth, love, and kindness? We certainly need more positivity in this world, and this kind of selfless encouragement is a fabulous start!
As always, we love hearing from you. You can share your thoughts and uplifting messages for others in the comment section.