35 Inspiring Dog Posts Are Just What You Need To Lift Your Spirits

Great stories about friendship, courage, and compassion – all of them starred by man’s best friend

  • Published in Animals
35 Inspiring Dog Posts Are Just What You Need To Lift Your Spirits

Our hectic lifestyle drains us out, so we all need something to lift our spirits. And who is better to do that than our best friends – dogs? If you don’t own a dog, don’t worry - we have prepared some of the most uplifting posts about dogs.

And if you are lucky enough to have a dog in your life, some of these photos may remind you of your four-legged friend.

Some of the stories you will see are a pelican and a dog friendship, and a dog who is always by his favorite human kid’s side, even when he is doing time-out. These are all stories that will melt your heart.  

1. A pelican and a stray dog became friends, and the man who took this picture actually adopted the dog, and now he brings him to the docks every day so that he could hang out with his friend the pelican.

1. A pelican and a stray dog became friends, and the man who took this picture actually adopted the dog, and now he brings him to the docks every day so that he could hang out with his friend the pelican.reddit.com

2. Best boy ever.

2. Best boy ever.erinmarie093

3. Well done.

3. Well done.MuRDlwThrTurtlw

4. This pitbull is showing his favorite stuffed toy to another dog.

4. This pitbull is showing his favorite stuffed toy to another dog.GallowBoob

Science claims that dogs and their playful character can be an exceptional solution to numerous psychological problems. Antonio Diaz, a certified and professional K-9 trainer and dog behavioral specialist based in Las Vegas, can verify that "Dogs give people a reason to keep living. My German Shepherd, Brooklyn, literally helped me get through depression after a bad motorcycle accident in 2012 and she is the reason I found my passion and I am doing what I love. Dogs can be extremely affectionate towards humans and they also have the ability to read our body language much better than we (most people) can read theirs. Studies have shown that dogs can make people happier, lower blood pressure, lower heart rates, and help to release serotonin and other 'feel good' hormones in the brain. Dogs can literally help you live longer!"

Furthermore, "Dogs are used in courtrooms to help victims of sexual and violent crimes speak during their testimony. They are used to help children build confidence in reading and also used to bring happiness to the elderly."


5. Friends are there to help you out during the toughest times.

5. Friends are there to help you out during the toughest times.mayaxs

Sometimes we forget that dogs, just like us, have unique characters too. Antonio confirms: “Some dogs are more independent and like more space, therefore may not pay enough attention to their owner to understand them. These dogs would be less likely to read or understand their human counterparts. I believe that is dependent on the strength of the bond and relationship between a person and their dog. The more time you spend with your dog and the more emotional states they witness, the better they can understand you. With all that said, dogs are master observers and probably know more about us than we think.”


6. When this dog realized he is being adopted, he was overjoyed.

6. When this dog realized he is being adopted, he was overjoyed.Dallas Dog

Froma Walsh, a Professor Emerita from the University of Chicago's Department of Psychiatry, says that our ancestors were well aware of the importance of the human–animal bond. “In ancient times and in cultures worldwide, animals have been respected as essential partners in human survival, health and healing. Many spiritual traditions have honored the relationships of people to animal forms of life. In fact, dogs were considered such loyal companions during life that they were revered as guides in the afterlife. When a pet dog died, the owners shaved off their eyebrows, smeared mud in their hair, and mourned aloud for days.”


7. "This Is Jasper. He Is My Neighbor’s Dog. I Can’t Leave The House Much Due To Health Issues, So Anytime He Sees Me He Runs Back Inside His House To Bring Me Back Out One Of His Favorite Toys. Today Was His Duck. His Record Is 3 Toys And A Stick, All At Once. What A Champ. Be Like Jasper"

7. reddit.com

8. Fifteen years later, the bond is even stronger.

8. Fifteen years later, the bond is even stronger.BufordTeeJustice

9. Same boot, 3 years after

9. Same boot, 3 years afterfourNtwentyz

10. Poor kid doesn’t have a dog, but luckily the neighbor does.

10. Poor kid doesn’t have a dog, but luckily the neighbor does.Tempest-Frost

11. When a homeless man ended up in the hospital, his dog friend waited in front.

11. When a homeless man ended up in the hospital, his dog friend waited in front.Cris Mamprim

12. Proud mom

12. Proud momfriablesoul

13 When your best buddy won’t let you do the time lone.

13 When your best buddy won’t let you do the time lone.Suprovation

14. Her dog had to wait for her outside in cold weather.

14. Her dog had to wait for her outside in cold weather.

15. Old dog, with eyesight and hearing disability, comforts every rescue animal who comes to his home.

15. Old dog, with eyesight and hearing disability, comforts every rescue animal who comes to his home.Sherios Shenanigans

16. "This Is Floyd. He Was Born With Cerebral Hypoplasia Which Means He Can't Walk Too Well. Today We Found Out He Fits In My 75 Liter Hiking Pack, So We Got To Take Him On His First Hike! He Seemed To Really Enjoy It"

16. its_scooby

17 "When Your Favorite Spot Shrinks With Time"

17 IQCrash

18. "We Got A New Puppy Yesterday. I Asked My 4 Year Old To Put Him To Bed. This Is What I Came Back To"

18. willthoughts

19. "Gus Gets Reconstructive Surgery"

19. Gallenbt

20. Good choice

20. Good choiceLilNasX

21. Wonderful moment.

21. Wonderful moment.mayaxs

22. "Neighbors Are A Big Fan Of Luna!"

22. reddit.com

23. "We Adopted A Greyhound That Was Super Skittish For Months And Was Very Suspicious Of Us. Tonight She Initiated Cuddles And My Heart Is Full"

23. RandomHero25

24. "Got A Dog To Guard The House But Then... Who Wants A Belly Rub?"

24. reddit.com

25. This rescued tortoise found an unusual new family.

25. This rescued tortoise found an unusual new family.vinkulelu

26. "My Friend Lives Above A Punk Bar And Sent Us This Pic Of Her Dog And The Regulars"

26. SpermaSpons

27. "My Neighbor's Sweet Dog Found A Moth"

27. SleepingFoots

28. "My Friend Just Texted "Adopted A Dog Yesterday".... With This Pic"

28. reddit.com

29. "Andy Has Slept In My Bed With Me For The Past 8 Years And He Still Puts His Head On The Edge Of The Bed To Ask Permission To Jump On"

29. FightingGoldenDevils

30. "It Has Taken 2 Years Since We Adopted Her, But Reba Has Dropped More Than Half Her Weight And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of Her."

30. OkieDogDad

31. Good boy.

31. Good boy.Nukls

32. This boy is reunited with his lost dog.

32. This boy is reunited with his lost dog.April Elizabeth Licata

33. it was such a long day.

33. it was such a long day.jphoto0

34. Look what I found.

34.  Look what I found.Sh1fty3yedD0g

35. Best friends.

35. Best friends.Pronay7