People Share Experiences With Their Unusual Pets, And They Are Extremely Interesting

Has befriending flesh-eating beetles ever crossed your mind?

  • Published in Animals
People Share Experiences With Their Unusual Pets, And They Are Extremely Interesting

We all love our pets, but people have different preferences when choosing the best possible companions. There is no denying that cats and dogs are most popular by far, but there are many animals out there that could be ideal pets, but they simply never crossed your mind.

Some people like frogs, some love alpacas, but the most unusual pets are rats, millipedes, and flesh-eating beetles. People shared their unusual pets and their experiences with them, and we have selected the most interesting ones.

Take a look at the list we have prepared for you. You might get an idea for your next pet.

1. Chickens

"Chickens are the best. Got five girls that we raised from chicks! They are so funny and affectionate! I’ve always disliked birds, but these girls are the best!"

— katie83

"I have nine chickens. They are better than any other pet (fight me) because... they require very little care and can be kept anywhere... along with how easy they are to take care of, they give eggs, [which has] has saved me so much money... they make great companions, [and] they are amazingly smart! ... I’ve taught mine tricks [and] they respond to their names. If anyone wants an unusual pet, I 1000% recommend chickens!"

— chris1719

1. ChickensAnthony Lee /Getty Images

2. Civets

"People thought it was very weird that we were raising them! They were very cute, almost like cats in some ways! They consumed meat and fish, and once they were big enough, we released them back into the wild but one of them kept coming back to visit us... I would wake up to find the little fella sleeping, curled up on my bed!"

— udaranw

2. CivetsSpmemory /Getty Images

3. Chinchillas

"I have a chinchilla called Ru (after the drag queen, of course). He is the best decision I’ve ever made! I had him because I had terrible anxiety and he kept me so distracted I’ve gone from having panic attacks everyday to pretty much zero! He’s the cuddliest and most cheeky thing. He also throws his poo at my brother because he (Ru) don’t like him, so bonus!"

— kerry_kayes

"I have a chinchilla named Dorothea and honestly she's so freaking sweet and chill."

— izabellarafalski07

3. ChinchillasJustaslive /Getty Images

4. Giant African land snails

"I have three gorgeous giant African land snails. They are fascinating as well as adorable. Many people tell me they're gross, which is sad as they are sweet and make brilliant pets."

— c4a8364b44

"I have a giant African land snail named Klaus. It’s so relaxing watching him eat or just roam around his viv. He’s low maintenance and likes rock music."

— takerbobpooh

4. Giant African land snailsVadym Terelyuk /Getty Images

5. Bearded dragon

"[They are] much lower maintenance than a dog or cat. Not that I don’t love dogs and cats, but if I want to spend a night away I can without having to worry about finding a dog sitter!"

— heatherprince001

"People don’t realise how affectionate they can be... [my bearded dragon] loves cuddling in the evenings and if you stroke his head or ears he’ll close his eyes and lean into the strokes. He also loves a bath and being wrapped up like a little burrito."

— amyvincent

"Bearded dragons especially are so chill. They just want to sit on the couch with you and eat some crickets."

— sarahp4e6b2900b

5. Bearded dragonSabine Arnold /Getty Images

6. Rats

"I had a rat and she was the most lovely little creature. They’re so kind-natured and will just sit on your shoulder all day!"

— jessies4d5bf6ac6

"They're like the perfect combo of a cat and a dog, generally less maintenance overall and are the most adorable little things! ... Having them for the past few years has been a great help for our mental health especially 🥰🐀."

— tazastle

"I can't imagine my life without rats anymore! .... People are always quick to judge them as they see them as pests but fancy rats are not the same as wild rats. They're bred for the best genetics, handled since birth so they never bite, and they're just so darn floofy 😍."

— malumills

6. RatsChris Scuffins /Getty Images

7. Tarantulas

"I have 15 tarantulas. They're super low maintenance and nowhere near as scary as people think. Plus they come in lots of different colors and sizes. They're a great talking point with guests too!"

— amelias46530a6b9

"I have a pumpkin patch tarantula [because] I HATE pet hair."

— mbsior

7. TarantulasDavid Alligood /Getty Images

8. Crowntail beta

"I had a crowntail betta for three years. People normally assume that fish are just blobs that swim around and eat, but my fish Dumbledore was actually lively and interactive. He memorized my face and swam up to me when I walked by his tank; I even taught him tricks. I really did love him even though he was a fish."

— frankiebkhan

"I had a betta that would watch TV with us!"

— msbetsyifurnasty

8. Crowntail betaTeddybearpicnic / Getty Images

9. Corn snakes

"I have two corn snakes called Kandinsky and Blossom. Once you have their living environments set up they are very easy maintenance – daily spot check for poop and feed them once every two weeks. They are lovely to handle, and not at all aggressive. They won’t get too big – around five foot in length. I also have a cat who is waaaay more hassle than my snakes lol."

— lesleytucker

9. Corn snakesThomas Spaeter / Getty Images

10. Ducks

"Ducks – they're not only cute and friendly but also very hardy. Ducks can be either friendly or skittish depending on how you raise them, and the bonus is that they lay eggs all year round."

— nelsoneliza28

10. DucksNigel Killeen /Getty Images

11. Australian tree frogs

"I have two Australian tree frogs.I love them to pieces, [they] ... sing to me as I spray them down each night. They love you as much as a dog or a cat. but they love you in more unique ways."

— meglchaney

11. Australian tree frogsDwi Septiyana /Getty Images

12. Alpacas

"They live outdoors, so no hair all over the carpets. They don't need to be taken for walks... [and they are] friendly, look cute, and provide gorgeous soft yarn, as well as the best possible fertiliser for the veg garden."

— christineb41c04880e

12. AlpacasThiemi Higashi /Getty Images

13. Marbled newts

"They are super easy to look after. I have an eco setup with woodlice and springtails who clean the waste so the enclosure only needs cleaning out six times a year. They also eat the woodlice and springtails, which I supplement with crickets. All in all, if you want a low maintenance, hypoallergenic pet, get an amphibian."

— stylishpenguin64

13. Marbled newtsPaul Starosta /Getty Images

14. Sheep

"My grandparents used to have a flock of sheep. My sister and I used to spend hours down in the field and the baby lambs each spring were so cute! Feeding time was so much fun cos we’d walk around with a bucket and the sheep would chase us! Plus, when they got sheared, we’d all get a new jumper."

— enola_alone

14. SheepPeter Mason /Getty Images

15. Turtles

"I have two turtles named Quill and Gamora. They are fun to watch and they are very calm."

— shamu109

15. TurtlesVicki Smith /Getty Images

16. Sugar gliders

"I have two sugar gliders, their names are Bandit and Iggy. They are truly the BEST pets I've ever had! They do require a little more time and work than some of the more common pets, but overall I think it's really worth it."

— someperson123456

16. Sugar glidersSevendeman /Getty Images

17. Ball python

"I have a ball python named Kaa (yes, after the snake in The Jungle Book). A lot of people are afraid of snakes, but there are a lot of misconceptions about them. For starters, ball pythons are not venomous, and only grow to about three-to-five feet, which means no, they cannot eat your dog/cat/child. Snakes make great pets because they are relatively low maintenance and affordable... Their scales are so soft, their derpy faces are adorable, and there is something mesmerising about watching them slither around flicking their tongue out!"

— burtney

"My snakes have been amazing for my anxiety. They’re ball pythons, so they’re hefty and like to curl up on my chest where it’s warm. The weight of them is crazy soothing, as is the movement of their muscles."

– julie-annah

17. Ball pythonKmatija /Getty Images

18. Tortoise

"I have a tortoise called Grendel. He's like a small hard dog but without allergies. You can walk him on a lead and he likes sitting on his knees. He is the best!"

— gingerlizzie

18. TortoiseScott Shymko /Getty Images

19. Kingsnake

"I have a snow kingsnake named Calypso. She's about a year old, and four and a half feet long. She has helped me... during online school because she can sense anxiety... so I can take her out during a panic attack and she'll help [me] calm down. Meanwhile, my dog is snoring on my bed and has no interest in what's happening."

— cehy

19. Kingsnake Murilo Gualda /Getty Images

20. Millipede

"I have an American giant millipede named Filbert. She's awesome."

— jbird2706

20. MillipedeMichaelutech /Getty Images

21. Blue tongue skink

"I have a blue tongue skink. She's the most friendly, docile, curious lizard ever!"

— jackij3

21. Blue tongue skinkCavan Images /Getty Images

22. Flesh-eating beetles?

"I think the more unusual 'pet' I have would be my colony of dermestid beetles or flesh-eating beetles.I collect skulls/bones, and the beetles clean the specimens for me. Even lower maintenance than snakes and they help me out!"

— ecarnage

22. Flesh-eating beetles?Henrik_l /Getty Images