50 Animals And Objects With Color Patterns So Unusual They Will Make You See An Eye Doctor

Totally unexpected- totally wonderful.

50 Animals And Objects With Color Patterns So Unusual They Will Make You See An Eye Doctor

Finding a mole in your backyard is not that uncommon. The chances of finding an albino mole are very slim -1:100,000.

We are used to seeing animals with identical color patterns. With humans, it is different.

Because we have so many races, hair colors, and skin tones, we are used to diversity. Animals are different.

To us, every member of a species looks the same. And they are.

The differences are minute and hard to spot by an untrained eye. There's something fundamentally attractive about the outliers.

When we grow custom to one color pattern on things or animals, seeing a different one makes our brain explode. And it is hard to keep your eyes away.

If you enjoy strange color combinations and anything out of the ordinary, the "Real Life Shinies" is the place to be. This subreddit has 247k people who all gathered for one thing only – enjoying those weird and surprising color patterns.

From wild animals and pets to street signs and architecture, these shinies will change your perspective of the color of things we know very well, or rather, we think we know. Let's make our heads spin a little, and then a little more.

We have chosen 50 of the most interesting posts, and we know you will love them.

1. "My “Black Magic” Petunias From This Summer"

1. reddit.com

2. "Alolan Fox"

2. reddit.com

3. "A Black Cat With A Pink Nose!"

3. reddit.com

4. "Shiny Racoon"

4. reddit.com

5. "What Is This Little Golden Beetle? Maine"

5. reddit.com

6. "My Hair Is Half Blonde Half Brunette. Including Eyebrows And Eyelashes"

6. reddit.com

7. "Atelopus Barbotini, A Purple Toad"

7. reddit.com

8. "Extremely Rare White Baby Reindeer"

8. reddit.com

9. "The Blue Java Banana Taste Like Vanilla Ice-Cream"

9. reddit.com

10. "Shiny Cardinal"

10. reddit.com

11. "When You’re Dark And Spooky But Very Cute"

11. reddit.com

12. "Shiny Ginger Seal Pup In Russia"

12. reddit.com

13. "Lemon Dalmatian"

13. reddit.com

14. "Strawberry Finch"

14. reddit.com

15. "Rare Black Hulk Hogan Spotted"

15. reddit.com

16. "A Really Shiny Beautiful Creature"

16. reddit.com

17. "A Partially Melanistic Genetic Variation Called A Cross Fox"

17. reddit.com

18. "White Dog With A Black Head"

18. reddit.com

19. "Does This Glitched Zebra Count?"

19. reddit.com

20. "Shiny Clear Lemon Pie"

20. reddit.com

21. "Shadow Turtle!"

21. Reddit

22. "Pet The Darkness"

22. reddit.com

23. "Half Red Half White Flower"

23. reddit.com

24. "Australian Veterinary Clinic Rescues A Golden Possum. They Named Him Pikachu"

24. reddit.com

25. " Black Gecko"

25. reddit.com

26. "Shiny Rottweiler"

26. reddit.com

27. "This Unique Chicken With Heart Patterns In Its Plumage"

27. reddit.com

28. "White Moth With A Chicken Face"

28. reddit.com

29. "Shiny Bearded Dragons"

29. reddit.com

30. "This Alabaster Kitten Named Olive Has Half Brown And Half Blue Eyes Due To A Rare Genetic Condition Named Sectorial Heterochromia Iridis!"

30. reddit.com

31. "This Golden Mouse"

31. reddit.com

32. "Leucistic Sea Turtle Found On Fb"

32. reddit.com

33. "An Iridescent Thresher Shark"

33. reddit.com

34. “Zeus. The Blind Owl Has Beautiful Stars In Its Eyes"

34. “Zeus. The Blind Owl Has Beautiful Stars In Its Eyesreddit.com

35. "White Chocolate Mousse"

35. reddit.com

36. "This Snake Has A Pumpkin On His Back"

36. reddit.com

37. "This Cat Has A Rare Red Fur Pattern"

37. reddit.com

38. "This Is An Albino Wood Turtle , These Are One Of The Rarest Turtle Morphs In The World"

38. reddit.com

39. "Only Known Albino Hump Back Whale On The Planet"

39. reddit.com

40. “It’s Not Just A Phase, Mom”

40. “It’s Not Just A Phase, Mom”reddit.com

41. "Shiny Zebra"

41. reddit.com

42. "Iridescent Clouds In Siberia"

42. reddit.com

43. "Half Albino Peacock"

43. reddit.com

44. "Rare White Giraffes Sighted In Kenya Conservation Area"

44. carrotsoup

45. "Shiny Black Cockatoo"

45. reddit.com

46. "Meet Narnia, A Rare Two Faced Cat"

46. reddit.com

47. "A Black Doe"

47. reddit.com

48. "A Black Flamingo Spotted In Cyprus, 2015"

48. reddit.com

49. "A 1 In 2,000,000 Blue Lobster!"

49. reddit.com

50. "Coolest Shiny Lobstah Yet"

50. reddit.com

Nature is wonderful, and it is all about diversity. There are so many beautiful things around.

This subreddit was created in 2016, and it started off as a simple comment. But thanks to people’s love for diversity, it soon took off and became a full-blown subreddit.

We wish it continues to grow and celebrate diversity.
