40 People Share The Most Unrealistic Job Requirements They’ve Encountered During Their Job Hunt

Job hunt is tough, even without these ridiculous job requirements...

40 People Share The Most Unrealistic Job Requirements They’ve Encountered During Their Job Hunt

A job search can be incredibly stressful. Scrolling through countless ads, crafting that perfect CV for that ideal job you have your eye on, keeping up with the constantly changing marketplace—is undoubtedly a daunting task.

And the companies looking for employees are certainly not making it any easier. They seem entirely detached from reality with unrealistic job requirements and bonus systems that revolve around free snacks and Foosball tables.

They haven't got the slightest idea of what employees really need. And what makes it even more frustrating is that they don't seem interested in finding out.

It's like the upper management and HR are living in their own worlds full of Foosball tables, free snacks, Jeans Fridays, and team-building games. r/recruitinghell is a subreddit where both candidates and recruiters can share their absurd hiring experiences, and some of the posts there are borderline pure lunacy.

We have selected 40 of the "best" ones, so keep on scrolling and see what awaits you out there if you are looking for a job. Or do you prefer not to know?

Just don't let the posts here discourage you. There are a lot of good companies out there, you just have to find them.

1. Hot and white

1. Hot and whiteLauraMiers

2. True purpose

2.  True purposePHRENOL0GY

3. Unsuccessful job search does have psychological effect. Which in turn, will make you look bad on your next interview. It is a never-ending loop

3.  Unsuccessful job search does have psychological effect. Which in turn, will make you look bad on your next interview. It is a never-ending loopAdam_Karpiak

4. I just want to work and get paid.

4. I just want to work and get paid. RaxKingIsDead

5. Anything is possible!

5. Anything is possible!neatokra

6. Must be very competitive...

6. Must be very competitive...jo_bazz

7. Pay is important. Don't try to disguise the fact that it is low by offering foosball

7. Pay is important. Don't try to disguise the fact that it is low by offering foosballblakes_online

8. Not for you...

8.  Not for you...VT_Forever

9. Do not contact me again

9. Do not contact me againblackshheep

10. Remote - yes or no?

10. Remote - yes or no?WadeLikesPlanes

11. What do you usually do with your elephants?

11. What do you usually do with your elephants?beetagolsh

12. Unfair game....

12. Unfair game....Tardigradium

13. You are not looking for workers. You are looking for slaves...

13. You are not looking for workers. You are looking for slaves...MrZJones

14. How do you get back an employee who quit because you didn't want to give him a raise? Hm....

14.  How do you get back an employee who quit because you didn't want to give him a raise? Hm....ddh85

15. So, pressure and tight deadlines, and fun environment? I would love to see that combination...

15. So, pressure and tight deadlines, and fun environment? I would love to see that combination...Foxedup-

16. 3 to 5 minimum

16. 3 to 5 minimumlolennui

17. Since we are explaining....

17. Since we are explaining....Wajeehrehman

18. Not that complicated...

18. Not that complicated...danpriceseattle

19. Are you still interested?

19. Are you still interested?AnggChanell

20. Write a short poem?

20. Write a short poem?thetalkingrock

21. So true. And scary

21. So true. And scary_robertschultz

22. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

22. Doesn't seem fair, does it?friesxo

23. That would be awesome. Lets all do that!

23. That would be awesome. Lets all do that!danielmarven

24. Wow, how can you resist such an offer?

24. Wow, how can you resist such an offer?Advanced_Doctor2938

25. Which Pharaoh? Maybe we’ve met....

25. Which Pharaoh? Maybe we’ve met....Wajeehrehman

26. Life after college. So true

26. Life after college. So truea000o

27. Work on your accent, people!

27. Work on your accent, people!Soo_ee_sauce

28. Exactly what i need....

28. Exactly what i need....msyoungprofess

29. Low paying but rewarding? Count me in!

29. Low paying but rewarding? Count me in!heldonbyastring

30. You know how to change that. Why don't you do it then?

30. You know how to change that. Why don't you do it then?alaskastardust

31. It would be an interesting show... I would watch it

31. It would be an interesting show... I would watch itmeadbymead

32. Only time i felt joy....

32. Only time i felt joy...._robertschultz

33. That's an excellent idea for my day off. I'll bring my family too!

33. That's an excellent idea for my day off. I'll bring my family too!yelpisforsnitches

34. Cover letters.... OMG. Who likes them?

34. Cover letters.... OMG. Who likes them?toktoktwan

35. Never-ending interviews. Just nine rounds? Why not make it an even 10? or 20?

35. Never-ending interviews. Just nine rounds? Why not make it an even 10? or 20? littleroo45

36. "I Have Been Interviewing With A Company For Over 6 Weeks And Have Talked To Ten Different Interviewers. Emailed Today Saying I’ve Moved To The Next Round. Finally Sick Of It"

36. its233am

37. "After 22 Online Rejections And Ghostings, I Finally Got An Interview! When I Arrived I Was Told They Had No Intentions Of Hiring Me And Just Wanted To Encourage Me To Continue My Education"

37. damntheelctricfence

38. Just stop!

38. Just stop!Wajeehrehman

39. You can’t spend time being human. You have to be a worker...

39. You can’t spend time being human. You have to be a worker...skhndh

40. Damn, everyone is leaving...

40. Damn, everyone is leaving...kschin1

To get the job, you have to start working five years before being born (to get the experience needed). Also, it would help if you didn’t demand salary but be content with a few free snacks and a couple of rounds on the Foosball table.

Of course, if you have time for it because most of these jobs require multitasking and the ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines. Oh yes, all that comes with a fun office atmosphere.

Sounds great! Where do I sign up?
