People Are Revealing The Most Unlikeable Main Characters In A TV Show, And Here Are 30 Of Them

Annoying characters continue to exist and appear in some of the most watched tv shows

People Are Revealing The Most Unlikeable Main Characters In A TV Show, And Here Are 30 Of Them

Even though you enjoy watching them, the best television series can have extremely unlikeable characters. It seems inevitable that you'll love to hate at least one fictitious character in your favorite program, given the surge in the audience's fixation with anti-heroes.

However, characters can occasionally end up becoming offensive in ways that the writers undoubtedly did not intend. Typically, we enjoy watching television series and movies with strong leads.

A lovable underdog who defies all obstacles to save the world, or a comically clumsy hero who accomplishes amazing tasks with the help of their charisma and humor. Many of us can't help but want a happy ending, and we occasionally don't understand the point of spending hours watching a show where the main character is someone we despise.

However, irritating characters continue to exist and appear in some of the most watched television programs ever. When Reddit member u/Competitive_Owl7085 posed the question of which TV show characters were the most likeable, it immediately ignited a discussion.

In this Askreddit discussion, people were clearly debating which characters they felt to be unlikeable, and they aired their thoughts in the comments. We've compiled a list of some of the most annoying characters that viewers have pointed out below. 

Someone asked:

Someone asked:u/Competitive_Owl7085

Here are some of the replies from Redditors...


1. "Dr. Phill"

1. Reddit

2. "Jerry on Tom and Jerry."

2. Reddit

3. "Carrie Bradshaw"

Unbelievably entitled, shallow, spoiled and treated all of her friends like s**t. I don’t enjoy the show for what it is, it’s my favourite hate-watch just to see the new depths Carrie will sink to every episode.

Especially heinous was when she got herself into debt by tanking her relationship with the guy who bought and was renovating her apartment and turned down money offered by two of her best friends just so she could b***h out the one that didn’t offer. And for some reason that friend ended up giving her the money.

And she tried to cheat on her husband with a guy that she had previously cheated on.

And she replaced her old friend with a younger more diverse version when they fell out.

3. Reddit

4. "Ross from Friends. I hate him so much. And, he doesn’t even eat the smaller friends to assert dominance, which makes him suck twice as much."

4. Reddit

5. "Caillou. That bald whiny little punk is the worst."

5. Reddit

6. "Raymond on *Everybody Loves Raymond*, a conceited little bastard."

6. Reddit

7. "I cannot believe no one has said Rory Gilmore yet."

7. Reddit

8. "Meredith Grey"

How many ‘dead’ sisters can one b***h have?

And her saying ‘I’m a widow so I’ll just have to accept that I have had all the orgasms I ever will’ set feminism back like 5000 years.

8. Reddit

9. "Piper Chapman on Orange is the New Black."

9. Reddit

10. "Emily from Emily in Paris"

Watched first episode of first season and NOPE.

Can’t believe there’s going to be a third season.

10. Reddit

11. '"Alan from two and a half men"

11. 'Reddit

12. "Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory"

Went from a clueless socially awkward side character in the first couple of years to a self-centered narcissistic bully. I don’t know why they ever hung out with him.

12. Reddit

13. "Ted from HIMYM is just the worst"

13. Reddit

14. "Peppa Pig"

What an annoying, obnoxious, narcissistic little brat

14. Reddit

15. "Dawson from Dawson’s Creek"

15. Reddit

16. "Lena Dunham’s character on Girls"

16. Reddit

17. "Sabrina in the new show"

17. Reddit

18. "Eric from that 70s show"

He’s an a*****e throughout the whole show but toward the end of the series it really ramps up. Wth did Donna see in him??

18. Reddit

19. "It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia"

All five of them are goddamn trash, and I couldn’t love them more.

19. Reddit

20. "Walter White"

Every choice he makes puts his family at risk, he refuses to help out of stupid pride, he’s arrogant, and he wound up getting at least 160 people [taken out]. He’s a brilliant chemist but he’s a s**ty businessman and an evil person.

20. Reddit

21. "Damn near everyone on Shameless, but Frank or Debbie fights for the top spot"

21. Reddit

22. "Some like him but I just hate Andy Bernard from The Office. He’s such an a*****e and so annoying. And I’m not talking about season 9 Andy, but regular Andy after his anger management course"

22. Reddit

23. "Bojack Horseman, though I suppose that’s the point."

23. Reddit

24. "Elena Gilbert – The Vampire Dairies. I can’t stand her lol"

24. Reddit

25. "Jack from Lost"

Total POS who was wrong every goddamn time.

25. Reddit

26. "Jess from New Girl. So whiny, so entitled and the worst part of the show."

26. Reddit

27. "House. A person like that in real life would be unbearable."

27. Reddit

28. "Jerry Seinfeld. Most of the characters were baaaaad people. Still funny as hell."

28. Reddit

29. "Eddy from Ed, Edd, and Eddy, completely uses his friends and annoys people, chats pure shite all for a f*****g jawbreaker"

29. Reddit

30. "As a kid I loathed Dr Smith on Lost in Space. I didn’t understand why they didn’t just f****n [take him out]."

30. Reddit

The Reddit thread received more than 8,000 comments, which shows that it’s not a must to like all the main characters in a show. Which of these characters do you find repugnant or which do you agree with what has been said about them?

If there are any additional main characters you dislike even though the show’s stories revolve around them, please let us know in the comments.
