35 Unique And Interesting World Maps That Could Inspire You To Change Your Perspective
These amazing maps show the world in a different view.

There is something fascinating about maps that will always attract our attention. Their symbolical representation of specified characteristics of some areas is outstanding, and perhaps that is the key to admiring them.
Looking at the maps, you get a visually presented whole picture of some location, like you are right there walking and exploring by yourself. Their role is to show certain information in a simple, visual way, and they surely do.
Maps are made for different purposes and the people who made them are called cartographers. There are different types of maps, and we see and use them more often than we realize, for example, road maps when traveling, city maps when we want to explore some city, meteorologists use weather maps to assemble a weather forecast, etc.
Whenever we want to find any visual information about a specific area in the world, we reach out for a map to help us. They represent information from a different point of view and easily memorable perspective.
If you love maps, you should look at the Twitter page, dedicated especially to sharing unique maps, and as it says on the profile, “maps that keep you updated.” This account is quite popular, with its 35.5K followers from all over the world.
We have collected some of the most interesting maps shared from this online account to show you their incredible work. Don't forget to tell us which one of them is your favorite.
1. When it comes to a holiday:

2. Animal world map.

3. Just to gain insight.

4. The percentage of people who believe their culture is superior to others.

5. The population density in the Middle East.

6. What offers Citizenship - Land or Blood?

7. You never know when you'll need it, so just in case.

8. The terrestrial straight line between Liberia and China.

9. Argentina size VS Europe size.

10. The longest road in the world.

11. Distribution of wolves in Italy 1900-2020.

12. Happiness in Europe in 2018.

13. World map from fish's perspective.

14. "All roads lead to Rome."

15. Countries with more sheep than people.

16. The surname 'Smith' in various European languages.

17. Roman empire famous roads.

18. Turkey for beginners.

19. Immigration wishes in Europe.

20. Argentina from a bird's eye view.

21. The Great Green Wall

22. of Canadians live south of the red line.

23. Rivers basins in Italy.

24. Map of best friends.

25. "America the beautiful."

26. The Mediterranean sea perfectly fits inside Australia.

27. European countries with higher and lower income inequality that the US.

28. Tragedy world map.

29. Outdonesia.

30. Ship's log entries 1740-1855.

31. European desserts.

32. They were very busy.

33. Making a map 1950-1980.

34. Population density USA.

35. Languages of Europe around 600 AD.

We have to admit these maps except being incredible, are also funny. They give us a new different view of the same information.
It is always better to see pictorially presented something you have already read, that way you get an insight into the whole picture easily. If you like these maps, you can follow their Twitter account to stay informed about new ones.