This Akita Doggo's Unique Markings Are An Important Part Of His Legacy To Educate
Jax's "mask" was apart of a serious health condition.

North Carolina residents Tony and Lindsey Modica purchased Jax as a 12 week old puppy from a breeder they believed was reputable: "We found what we thought was a reputable breeder in our area." It was not until later that they discovered the breeder was an unethical back yard breeder who "cared more about the money than his dogs’ "well being."
Akitas are beautiful dogs with a proud history and a fantastic disposition. They are great pets and the Modica family was excited to welcome this precious pup into their home and family. However, things were not quite what they seemed and as Jax's facial coloring began to transform, they realized just how much truth there was to discover.
Jax was a happy boy who loved everyone that he met. At the age of 2, Jax started to have eye problems and slow change in the pigment color of his skin. He was misdiagnosed for almost 5 months with allergies and no treatment was helping.

The pair dove into research. In the Akita World Facebook group, they were told to look into Uveodermatologic syndrome (UVD) and to their surprise... it fit Jax’s symptoms.

Our vet was unfamiliar with it and we forced him to research the disease.

UVD may also sometimes be referred to as VKH. Jax's owners said:
It is a rare disease in which the dog’s immune system forms antibodies against its own pigment cells in the skin and light-sensing cells in the back of the eye.

It causes red, painful eyes, skin depigmentation on the face and footpads, and premature whitening of the hair. Because the skin and hair issues are cosmetic, treatment focuses on the eye problems, which are typically ongoing and can lead to permanent blindness.

Dogs suffering from UVD will experience symptoms that are referred to as uveitis (inflammation of a layer of the eye), vitiligo (skin depigmentation), and poliosis (premature whitening of the hair.)

Not all of the side effects of the degenerative disease are serious. For example, the skin changes are largely cosmetic. However, any issues that effect the eyes can lead to permanent blindness, which would be a problem for a dog.

The cause is believed to be related to the immune system’s destruction of cells in the retina of the eye and melanocytes (pigment-making cells) the skin and hair. It’s been postulated that a virus may trigger the process. Exposure to sunlight may exacerbate the problem.

Jax passed away, and his family turned to the support system they had grown on Facebook to share the heartbreaking news.

Crossing over The Rainbow Bridge is painful for families who love their dogs the way this family loved Jax.

Moving forward, Jax's family wants to use what they've learned to help educate other families!

And they looked forward to hearing nice things about how Jax touched the lives of people all over the Internet.

And they shared their message for all to see.

Rest in peace, Jax.

Jax was known no only for his beautiful mask, which was caused by his disease, but also for his huge smile!

Through almost everything, Jax always had a smile that could make any person who was having a bad day become happy.

He loved every person that he met and was a great foster brother to those that have come through our house as we are active with Big East Akita Rescue and GA Akita Rescue Division…

Sadly, it was not the disease that led to Jax's death. Even worse, his treatment may have played into his untimely passing. The long term side effects of the high doses of drugs (Prednisone and Azathioprine) that Jax needed to take to keep his disease under control likely had a lot to do with his decline. In fact, Tony said, "The vet thinks that played a major part in his decline.”

Tony and Lindsey hope that by sharing their love of Jax and his story and experiences, that other families might get the help they need for their beloved pets sooner!
Many vets seem to misdiagnose the disease and in many cases, it is not caught early. With proper medication, testing, and constant check-ups, it is manageable. There is a very high chance that at some point, they will go blind.

People across social media have been moved by Jax's life and the powerful words his family has shared about him.

And many complete strangers sent well-wishes via comments to the family during their time of suffering and grief.

Jax's smile is memorable.

It is helpful to hear that people could see Jax was loved by the humans in his life.

And people who did know Jax were devastated to hear of his passing, but delighted to have been apart of his life, however brief it may have been.

Love for Jax!

Love for Akitas!

You can support Jax's journey by following his Facebook Page.
Have you ever had a pet with special medical needs? Let us know in the comments!