Moody Dog Isn't Impressed With Anyone At The Doggy Day Care

Yes, she's judging your life choices too.

  • Published in Animals
Moody Dog Isn't Impressed With Anyone At The Doggy Day Care

This is what happens when you force someone to do something they don't like. I'm sure Pogo's mom had her best interest in mind, but Pogo, on the other hand, isn't impressed.

It looks like this moody teenager is throwing a professionally muted tantrum, but knows exactly how to express it perfectly well through her facial expressions and gestures. Maybe she wanted to visit a close friend instead of coming to the doggy day care?

Maybe she doesn't like the color of her collar? Maybe she's just not impressed and wants people and other pets to respect her personal space?

Whatever the reasons are, Pogo's expression is priceless. She's all of us when that horrid aunt visits us, when our cousins get first dibs on everything because they're guests, or perhaps when we hear someone talking about how great diets are.

Pogo is a four-year-old American bulldog-boxer mix who prefers to judge people and pets instead of following the crowd and doing what others do. She'd rather act like a human who's let her human mom off the leash for a few hours.

Maybe she's an introvert? Or maybe she's a cat person?

The theories of why Pogo acted more human than other humans are breaking the internet, but Pogo, well, she's not impressed.

Introducing Pogo...

When you have the time, try to stop by West Street in downtown Raleigh so you can meet Pogo, a 4-year-old American bulldog-boxer mix, who's unlike other dogs in the doggy day care.

When you enter West Street, an off-leash dog bar, dog/cat boarding, and doggy day care, you'll find many dogs playing together, but somewhere, under the same roof, you'll meet Pogo, a dog who just isn't impressed.

She secretly and silently judges everyone she comes across, only she's too polite to tell you that. Or maybe she doesn't care what you think.

Introducing Pogo...pogoparkour

Moody teenager mode on.

If a dog could display hormones that a moody teenager displays, Pogo would definitely top the list. I mean, look at those expressions.

This four-year-old would rather sit on a barstool and judge the world than join the pack and enjoy the day. She's most likely observing her friends and keeping an eye on the humans too.

Whatever she's thinking, she's definitely not impressed.

Moody teenager mode on.pogoparkour

Pogo becomes a mood!

When people saw Pogo's expressions, naturally they began dissecting a million reasons why Pogo wasn't impressed. Maybe she's an introvert, or she's not a dog person?

Maybe Pogo was hangry and didn't want to share her seat with anyone? Nobody knows why Pogo wasn't impressed, but people realized that Pogo was the face of a new mood altogether.

Pogo's mom Grace Wheeler, who works at West Street, agrees to disagree. Wheeler, who brings her rescue pup to work every day, thinks that Pogo is unique in her own way.

She said, "When she gets up on the chairs, we think that’s her way of trying to let the other dogs know that she thinks she’s better than them."

"I’ve worked in a few kennels, and she has always jumped up on the stools or anything that’s meant for a human. She is our little judgmental queen!"

Pogo becomes a mood!pogoparkour

Pogo is secretly a human.

If you think Pogo only sits like a human, you're wrong. According to her mom, the pup has many more human qualities!

She said, "She loves snuggling in the bed like a human, sitting on top of things (chairs, the bar, benches, sometimes people)."

"She likes riding in the car and will hang her elbow out the window like a human (which seems to be a theme with her). She loves people more than dogs."

Pogo is secretly a human. pogoparkour

Pogo doesn't smile, but she's very happy!

Pogo's attitude has gained her a lot of fans, but she isn't complaining! According to her mom, she happily soaks up the love strangers show her.

Wheeler said, "She has lots of fans. We post her on the West Street’s Instagram, and people come looking for her all the time.”

We bet.

Pogo doesn't smile, but she's very happy!pogoparkour

Pogo, the hormonal teenager

I've honestly never come across a dog who prefers to judge others than play with them. Having said that, I'm sure most of us relate to Pogo.

There's nothing more difficult than having to be around others who just don't seem to match your frequency! Pogo reminds us of hormonal teenagers who're constantly on the lookout for something more interesting than themselves!

Here's to Pogo! We love you!
