Veterinarian Lashes Out At Vegan Who Proudly Shared A Photo Of Her Dog "Excited" For His Vegan Dinner
Yes, lots of vegans feed their dogs a vegan diet.
- Published in Animals
Animal rights activism is a huge, hot-button, hot topic these days. Science has continued to expand our non-flesh food options as well as make produce more prevalent and affordable. While more humans move to eat and live more compassionately, the vegan culture has been booming. What an individual chooses to ingest is, quite frankly, their own prerogative and their own business but when they place their ideals into an absolute and try to feed their pets like cats and dogs on a vegan diet, it can have disastrous consequences.
Theoretically, it is believed that dogs are capable of surviving and thriving on a vegan diet but it is definitely not a decision that should be made lightly or ignorantly. Properly balancing a dog's nutrition is extremely important and researching how to do this properly is just as important. Dogs are simply not like humans.
Supplements and special foods can be expensive for vegan owners insisting on feeding their dogs a vegan diet and that has led to some poor decisions... at the expense of the dogs. By the grace of social media, we are able to look at the bigger picture and have thoughtful discussions when things go wrong. For one Tumblr user, who was sure her dog was excited, we're sure she had no idea that a veterinarian was ready to absolutely school her about how wrong she was!
Is Maggie happy?
Tumblrsfveganyogi thinks her dog, Maggie, is excited about her vegan dinner.
TumblrQuickly, other Tumblr users disagreed.
The problem with Maggie.
TumblrHere's what is really happening inside Maggie's body.
TumblrHello, your dog will eat anything you feed it.
TumblrAnother user defended OP.
Arguing that it is within the realm of possible for a dog to be both vegan and healthy.
TumblrSupplement, supplement, supplement!
TumblrThat's when things got so good.
A professional chimes in and it's amazing.
TumblrFirst of all, let's talk about assumptions.
TumblrLet's get down to the DNA.
Tumblr300 years vs. a dumb comment on Tumblr?
TumblrOn to the second issue.
TumblrA gamble at best.
TumblrLet's talk about the long list of problems.
TumblrBut wait, there's more. The list continues:
Tumblr"I know how to tell when a dog looks malnourished."
TumblrLet's side step to discuss the biological implications of giving a cat a vegan diet.
TumblrBut it doesn't end there. The ball keeps rolling as more users were stunned at OP and their ignorance.
TumblrGet a gerbil.
TumblrDO NOT PASS GO, do not collect vegan dollars.
Tumblr"This is animal abuse."
TumblrBare minimum vs. maximum nutrition.
Tumblr TumblrThis post is definitely one of those "forever re-blog" posts, especially if you care about animals!
TumblrAdditionally, as the post passed the Tumblr threshold users on other social media sites couldn't agree more that OP's dog did not look enthusiastic or healthy.