Jokes About Capitalism That Sting While You Laugh

Accurate jokes burn while they go down, especially when it comes to the crushing reality of capitalism.

  • Published in Funny
Jokes About Capitalism That Sting While You Laugh

No, this isn't an advertisement for unfiltered anarchy or undiluted socialism. Many of us across the world are living in a society structure that protects capitalism above all else, or at least seemingly all else. It's a little soul crushing, to be fair. When you work your proverbial tail feathers off and have not much to show for it other than waning social security checks and failing health, it's easy to be bitter. For those that are looking to the future at what will statistically most likely also apply to them? Well, humor is a coping mechanism.

So, if you can't afford to call in sick and your bills are a buck shy of screwing you, then these jokes are right up your alley. Whether you're emboldened to know you're not alone or take comfort in it, these painfully accurate jokes are at the very least: hysterical.

1. Creatively cruel, honestly.

2. However, if you're playing "telephone," make sure the words don't get changed, you heathens.

3. I have big plans for the future and it may or may not involve eating the rich.

4. Don't even talk about it or we will fire you. Also, sign this contract saying you accept that fate.

5. Crushing the dreams of children is a healthy coping mechanism.

6. It's important not to set unrealistic expectations.

7. Maybe just a little bit.

8. Isn't poetry inspiring?

9. Definitely worse. Way worse.

10. "Please, please stop talking."

11. Well, this is awkward.


12. Can we set this precedent?

13. *Hums* One of these things is not like the others.

14. Can we please not?

15. Sounds fun.
