Man Buys A Guitar Worth $50,000 For $4000 And Later, The Seller Goes To Extreme Measures To Get It Back After Finding Out The Real Value
Have you ever undersold anything before? Then, you will relate so well with this story

If you’ve ever undersold anything at all and later found out the real price, then you’ll understand how the boy in this story felt. You’ll feel as if you had gold in your hands and sold it for peanuts.
The next thing, you’re cracking your brain on how to get it back. Some people might let it go and blame themselves for being ignorant, while others will keep pestering to get the product back, which is what the seller in this story did.
This story is from a Reddit user named u/fhdksTHROWAWAY, whose wife’s colleague wanted to sell a guitar. This guitar belonged to his late father, who he wasn’t so attached to.
So when he died, he started selling off his father’s property, and the guitar was amongst these properties. According to u/fhdksTHROWAWAY, who played guitar, the guitar was a 1952 Telecaster in mint condition, and the guy in question was selling it for $4000 when its real value was $50,000.
All went south when the boy found out and demanded the guitar back, which u/fhdksTHROWAWAY declined, saying he wasn’t selling. Now, u/fhdksTHROWAWAY is asking the Reddit AITA community if he was at fault for knowing the real price of the guitar but choosing to buy it at the amount the boy sold it for.
I’ll take a break here and let you read this story from the horse’s mouth.
Here is the story:

And the story continues...

1. It's the seller's responsibility to determine the worth of the product

2. Someone has been taken advantage of...

3. A bad move

4. Is this the morally right thing to do?

5. A legal and moral aspect to this story

6. For and against views

7. A supposed friend and co-worker was taken advantage of

8. A poor clueless dude

9. Legally it's right but still, it's wrong

10. Put yourself in the guy's shoes

11. That's something to think about

12. You profited off someone's ignorance and grief

13. A totally bad move

14. That's on him
He went about the issue the wrong way because harassment is a no, no.

15. He can ask but not demand since it's his mistake

16. Let's look into the subsequent actions
The buyer had a decision and according to this redditor, he chose to abuse the buyer's trust and hurt his finances.

17. He is being business minded so why can't you.

18. A bad deed done to someone

19. A little research could have solved all these...

20. A block of wood
It's normal for him to feel cheated but then again...

21. You knew the guitar's worth

22. A serious lack of empathy
People are angry and it shows in their comments.

23. The universe will pay you back
This is a long one...

24. A consensual business deal between two parties

This is a tough one, and it has two angles to it, but you can only take one. Would you blame the man for his purchasing decision despite knowing the actual price of the guitar he bought?
Or do you support him since, after all, the seller didn’t do his research? Let’s have your take on this issue by dropping your comments below!