Funniest Things Kids Have Done That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

Kids are hilarious, especially when they aren't yours

  • Published in Funny
Funniest Things Kids Have Done That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

Kids are great. Not only are do they have the purest approach to life, but they're often unintentionally hilarious. (& we love them for it!) If you've been on the internet for a while, you've probably come across one of those "kids' best test answers" posts.

I've got news for you, pal: not only are their test answers laugh-inducing, but the way they act will also crack you up. (Although, if you're someone who already has a kid, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.)

Whether you've had a bad day or a good one, I guarantee that at least one of these things that kids have done will make you day a bit better.


Genius.din7 on Reddit

"The outfit my nephew wore to meet my boyfriend."

halcyonwade on Reddit

That's.. adorable.

That's.. adorable.whatIsReddit_2015 on Reddit

a cool costume, though.

a cool costume, though.beastman99 on Reddit


Wow:Shock_and_Awwwwww on Reddit

A+ censoring!

A+ censoring!

Oh god, that terrified me, too.


Oof, KO.

Oof, KO.Ms_Sugarbaker

This is so pure..


Round dogs are best dogs.

Round dogs are best dogs.fuckmicah on Reddit