40 Hilarious Tweets About Raising Children From Exhausted Parents Trying Their Best
"Ruin your teenagers day by smiling."

We are grateful to parents who go online to decompress after a long day of work and caring for their children. The chaos of raising kids may be stressful for them, but it brings so much amusement for us spectators.
From unsuccessfully stopping their children from wading into a random park puddle to bedtime battles, these posts offer snippets into the roller coaster ride that is raising children. There is never a dull day when children are involved.
They swing from manipulating their parents to get what they want or throwing historic tantrums that would put the Greek gods to shame. These tweets, or posts in the post-Dorsey era of Twitter, capture the universal truths of parenthood.
They resonate with exhausted parents across the globe who find solace in the shared laughter amidst the chaos that is their home. Whether it's the absurdity of toddler logic or the unexpected wisdom gleaned from children's observations, funny parenting tweets offer an exasperated kind of amusement.
Parents camp under these tweets to trade stories about their kids that are more absurd than the last. It would be difficult for them to believe if their parents didn't applaud how painfully real these experiences are.
If your children are old enough to understand that they can't just barge in the bathroom to tell you about the fairy they think is magically packing their lunches, then you have enough alone time to read these 40 tweets. If not, we'll wait for you to share your hilarious parenting experiences.
1. The material may be different, but the experience is the same.

2. Might as well retire and pass the baton after that S-tier insult.

3. 100% efficacy.

4. This floor is most definitely not lava.

5. A revolutionary place to keep all kitchen utensils!

6. Better ask what was in the bone-in birthday cake muffin.

7. Make that two — shorter wait times.

8. Forgot the part where they cry because you wouldn't let them get hurt.

9. Too bad the kid isn't fascinated by rats. It would have been an easier conversation.

10. Keeping the napkin in a pristine condition is the goal. Duh.

11. ...and some chicken fingers.

12. At the very least, surely.

13. Don't giggle when she asks about your day, either!

14. "Rain check. Pee Wee league this weekend."

15. "You have to do all the voices, too!"

16. New definition of parental lock.

17. You have to pretend you don't know about it.

18. Even then, the food still isn't enough.

19. If they stop complaining about it, they wouldn't be so dehydrated.

20. They aim for the squishy organs, too.

21. Life is difficult when you're three.

22. Kids can't win. If they play on their iPads, their parents complain. If they don't, they become the subject of tweets.

23. What is this phenomenon?

24. Play Jaws when they ask for a beach day.

25. A parenting book, but it's just photos of the mess a determined toddler makes all by themself every few minutes.

26. All the random bruises from your kids using you as a jungle gym.

27. Before the sweet, independent stage is this phase.

28. It's urgent business!

29. No words can be as commanding.

30. Close the parenting book. Your job is done.

31. If you don't reheat it, you're also doing it wrong.

32. They would do better next time just to prove you wrong.

33. A long-forgotten dream.

34. Neat party trick. Never do it again.

35. What, like it's hard?

36. Duck, just to be safe.

37. A lot has happened in that year.

38. Modems do like long, circuitous walks.

39. You cannot be trusted with all that treasure!

40. What does it feel like to raise the next Albert Einstein?

It's incredible how interesting children and young people can be. The patience of a saint is required to raise them, but they are never boring.
These realistic parenting tweets are entertaining as always. These growing humans and their still-developing personalities are a ray of sunshine in what can be a bleak online landscape.