50+ Tuxedo Cats Who Might Make You Question Everything You Know About Cats

Tuxedo cats already have a reputation without all this photographic evidence stacked up against them.

  • Published in Animals
50+ Tuxedo Cats Who Might Make You Question Everything You Know About Cats

Tuxedo cats are bicolor cats with a few interesting nicknames (including Felix cat and Julius cat,) and when it comes to a specific variety of cats, tuxedos have a purrsonality that punches and the punch is packed. While most traditionally speaking, a tuxedo cat is a black and white cat, formally or technically, tuxedo cats are just white cats with one other color.

Naturally, because we love black cats so much, black and white tuxies are our absolute favorite. This is especially true because these cats have some of the most expressive and ridiculous personalities of all cats, ever.

Most of the time a tuxedo cat is a Maine Coon, British Longhair, British Shorthair, or some combination of the aforementioned. That may not sound like a ton of options because we know there are so many different breeds of cats, but these are very common and popular cat breeds, so the world has no shortage of tuxedo cats.

Speaking of tuxedo cats being plentiful: thank goodness. These spunky, precious puss pals of ours have some of the most rambunctious and sassy dispositions of all cats (there's actually been scientific research on this, if you can believe it!)

If you're not totally sold that tuxedo cats reign supreme, check out 51 examples of how peculiar and purr-fect these cats can be.

1. Those eyes scream "potential for violence."

1. Those eyes scream leeahj85

2. Contrary to popular belief, cats do not enjoy being mocked.

2. Contrary to popular belief, cats do not enjoy being mocked.KaleidoscopeArtsMN

3. L I C K

3. L I C Kaudiovisualdaisies

4. Saucer Eyes

4. Saucer Eyeslinuxguy192

5. A cozy place to nap is something that defies logic in general with cats

5. A cozy place to nap is something that defies logic in general with catsFiguringItOut--

6. The cutest lil snaggletooth

6. The cutest lil snaggletooth Independent-Tap5045

7. Can you blame her?

7. Can you blame her?unccej

8. Don't you hate when you are disturbed from your slumber and your whole face goes crooked?

8. Don't you hate when you are disturbed from your slumber and your whole face goes crooked?transformerslover2_0

9. Mia is dapper as heck.

9. Mia is dapper as heck.Fun_Rutabaga5423

Some varieties of cat have a genetic predisposition to be a specific sex. For example, we know that most calicos and tortoiseshell cats are female and that most ginger cats are male.

There are specific reasons for such occurrences that have been discussed and researched at length. When it comes to tuxedo cats, however, they can easily be either or.

10. Maddie is here for a great time.

10. Maddie is here for a great time.zelda17819

11. This cat is a meowdel

11. This cat is a meowdelBrattyB11

12. He's probably going to poop in someone's shoe later

12. He's probably going to poop in someone's shoe laterggdisney

13. That's where allt he action happens

13. That's where allt he action happensnatronezra

14. Anytime it's over 100F I also scream and want to know why

14. Anytime it's over 100F I also scream and want to know whyStrawberryMoonPie

15. Prepare for takeoff

15. Prepare for takeoff ChaosZweihanderPlus5

16. "My little man hopes everyone’s having a good Wednesday"


17. "I will sleep here til you feed me."

17. Firethatshitstarter

18. Oh Lawd He Thirstin'

18. Oh Lawd He Thirstin'TikusTakusen

19. Three is the ideal number

19. Three is the ideal numbersausages1234567

Tuxedo cats have a fascinating history and a lot of media presence. Did you know that the richest cat in the entire world was a tuxedo?

You know that now. How about that tuxedo cats have been to the top of Mount Everest, lived in the White House, and have even been in the military during war time?

20. How is it comfortable? Absolutely nobody on earth knows.

20. How is it comfortable? Absolutely nobody on earth knows. DmGUnknown

21. "Is this typical of a tuxedo? Is the first family cat that sleeps this way"

21. Haizel_Alicia

22. Not to be dramatic, but how could you not fall hopelessly in love with this cat?

22. Not to be dramatic, but how could you not fall hopelessly in love with this cat?LeeksAlott

23. There's two kinds of people in this life, those who pet the bellies and those who are wrong.

23. There's two kinds of people in this life, those who pet the bellies and those who are wrong.sammy_t9

24. The tongue really takes this photo up a notch.

24. The tongue really takes this photo up a notch.BIRDZdontBUZZ

25. To each their own, I suppose.

25. To each their own, I suppose.zetecvan

26. Bless you, Hank.

26. Bless you, Hank.comrip


27. LONG BOIMacaroon_mojo

28. That face just screams chaotic critter

28. That face just screams chaotic critterliefieblue

29. This stance is probably called "I'll distract you with my butthole."

29. This stance is probably called LauraRawr

30. You should take this threat seriously.

30. You should take this threat seriously. originalclaire

31. Worth it

31. Worth itauthorinitaly

32. "You know that terrifying scene in Jurassic Park when the TRex eye appears in the window? Oreo was the inspiration for that."

32. hitch_please

33. "Half bunny, half tuxie"

33. dreamkitty77

34. "It's the goofy eyes for me."

34. Appleblossom8315

35. "Charlie in full "laid back" mode."

35. Myksyk

36. "Drooling derp face while watching me eat yogurt this morning"

36. melisssasarah

37. Can we get a round of applause?

37. Can we get a round of applause? carthuscrass

38. "When you're an introvert at a party."

38. JoshOBJ

39. This warrants a nomination to National Geographic's best photos

39. This warrants a nomination to National Geographic's best photosbrigipsy

40. Such Cat

40. Such Catvannahcx

41. "I think they want a bite of my chicken."

41. authorinitaly

42. You must obey

42. You must obeyKingSofaOfTheSlugs

43. No one knows

43. No one knowsteenrabbit

44. He looks much cuter doing it though

44. He looks much cuter doing it thoughMrSodaBoi

45. "I’m not a baby any more, mum. I’m 7 months old. Quit with the pics!!"

45. darkforesttwilight

46. Luna has an ominous aura

46. Luna has an ominous auraTurbulentasfuck

47. Who could be annoyed with a face like this?

47. Who could be annoyed with a face like this?sunflowertrip

48. This is how you make the most of an embarrassing situation

48. This is how you make the most of an embarrassing situationlaingy666

49. The gargoyle

49. The gargoyleEotEaH

50. This raises more questions than I thought possible

50. This raises more questions than I thought possibleTotallyNotLandon

51. We can only guess.

51. We can only guess.Draggenn

There you have it, definitive proof that for everything we know about cats, tuxedo cats, in particular, we also know very little. Cats sure are weird.

However, it's the weird qualities that really keep us coming back for more. If we didn't have opportunistic photo galleries like this to laugh so much, the world would be a gloomier place.
