Lady Seeks To Know If She's AH For Not Allowing Travel Agent Share Her Room During Vacation
"I’d think about it with no intention of thinking"
- Published in Interesting
Vacation preparation takes a lot of time. You have to do your homework on places to stay, things to do, dining establishments, tourist sites, ways to get around, and the climate.
Additionally, you want to do it as cheaply as possible. There are numerous methods to cut costs and save time on your vacation without sacrificing quality.
Getting a nearby travel agency is one option. A local travel agency can save you hours of online research time to identify the best alternative for your next holiday, thanks to their years of expertise and knowledge.
A travel agent can distinguish between an option that is likely to be pricey or disappointing and one that is reliable and of high quality. In order to locate the best deals and packages, a travel agent can swiftly get good lodging, activities, and sights.
Guidebooks and internet listings may not include all the hidden treasures that travel agents know, but they do know the best places to stay and visit. Depending on your preferences and available funds, they can offer insightful recommendations about where to go and what to do.
The OP knew this and made use of a travel agent when her friend invited her to a resort, but something came up. The OP booked her trip about a month ago, only for her friend to call and ask if she's okay with the travel agent sharing a room with her.
This is the headline and the full story lies below
Reddit/IntentionNo4021The travel agent is also going on the trip which she hasn’t booked yet
Reddit/IntentionNo4021Moving on with the understanding that the OP is not sharing his room
Reddit/IntentionNo4021OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
I declined to let our travel agent share my room. This may make me the a-hole because I’m not being compassionate to the financial plight of our travel agent considering she booked my trip.
Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the story
Reddit/IntentionNo4021The OP doesn't have to share her room with a stranger
Reddit/IntentionNo4021"I'm not sharing my room with a stranger
Reddit/IntentionNo4021A travel agent without money
Reddit/IntentionNo4021The OP left this edit later on
This trip was not paid for by the friend. I paid my own way and it was not cheap.
The friend says that the travel agent doesn’t know that she’s asking to share a room on her behalf. She told the TA to reach out to me, but she hasn’t.
They can let her stay in their room
Reddit/IntentionNo4021They can all share a room
Reddit/IntentionNo4021Technically, this is a personal issue
Reddit/IntentionNo4021The OP is not close with the said friend
Reddit/IntentionNo4021No one would share a room with strangers
Reddit/IntentionNo4021This issue goes beyond a personal matter. Through a travel agent's job, they have access to their client's credit card information, itinerary, and passport information (if the trip is overseas).
This means that what the travel agent did is very unprofessional and spooky. The OP was declared not the AH as no one should be coerced to share a room with a stranger.