25 Signs That Are Completely Unnecessary, But They Exist

Great work humanity. Great work.

25 Signs That Are Completely Unnecessary, But They Exist

Ah, signs! Those pesky little reminders of what not to do!

They're like a wise and witty older sibling, always there to keep us from getting into trouble. Without signs, we'd be like a bunch of wild, mischievous monkeys, running around and doing whatever we wanted without any sort of control.

Signs are especially important when it comes to safety. They remind us to look both ways before we cross the street, to wear a helmet when riding a bike, and not to touch the hot stove.

Without signs, who knows what kind of havoc we could wreak! Signs also help us stay on the right side of the law.

They let us know where we can and can't park, what speed limits to follow, and when it's time to put out that cigarette. By following the signs, we can all be better citizens.

No matter where you look, there are always examples of "trashy" signage. From baby changing stations to handwritten posters on telephone poles, it seems like everywhere you turn, there is some kind of sign with a story behind it.

Sadly, that story is not always a good one. If you want some life advice, don't be the person who has to put up a sign like this. Some are funny, and some are confusing, but it's best to just avoid being in this kind of situation.

1. Thanks for stealing my laundry basket

1. Thanks for stealing my laundry basketReddit

2. No more Nick

2. No more NickReddit

3. Yes and No

3. Yes and NoReddit

4. Not here!

4. Not here!Reddit

5. Yes, you have

5. Yes, you haveReddit

6. Where, huh?

6. Where, huh?Reddit

7. Please, don't

7. Please, don'tReddit

8. Please, stop asking

8. Please, stop askingReddit

9. Multipurpose

9. MultipurposeReddit

10. Take a cup

10. Take a cupReddit

11. Do not hit on our workers

11. Do not hit on our workersReddit

12. Everything must go!

12. Everything must go!Reddit

13. Be careful where you keep the money

13. Be careful where you keep the moneyReddit

14. Thank you

14. Thank youReddit

15. Alert the staff

15. Alert the staffReddit

16. Parking lot not for drug sales

16. Parking lot not for drug salesReddit

17. We don't believe we had to make this sign

17. We don't believe we had to make this signReddit

18. The patio is not a bathroom

18. The patio is not a bathroomReddit

19. Do not make threats

19. Do not make threatsReddit

20. Keep your dog on leash

20. Keep your dog on leashReddit

21. Well, this is disgusting

21. Well, this is disgustingReddit

22. This is a good point

22. This is a good pointReddit

23. Use the utensils

23. Use the utensilsReddit

24. Will kill you

24. Will kill youReddit

25. Bathroom locked due to TikTok challenge

25. Bathroom locked due to TikTok challengeReddit

It's sad that people have become so careless and entitled that it's necessary to hang signs that remind them to pick up after themselves and to be polite. Imagine a world where people actually thought about the consequences of their actions and showed respect for others without needing to be told.

It's a shame that we have to be so direct with people, but the truth is, some people just need a little reminder that their actions have an impact on the world around them. So, the next time you see a sign that asks you to be courteous, take a moment to reflect on the importance of being a responsible and respectful person.

Don't just ignore it. Consider it your friendly reminder to be safe and smart, and do the right thing.

After all, signs are there to help us, not to hinder us! And, most importantly, don't do stupid things that make people put on stupid signs.

It is not that hard to be nice.
